Guest of the League
Boom Shakalaka!
Slam Dunk - $125 - Fantasy Week 12 | NBA Week 12


Fantasy Week 2 - NBA Week 2

*Gray Gorillas (125)1224.5vsThe Kings1031.0
hoopsterz1111.5vs$Chet Chet 1231168.5
Need Some Luck1062.0vsGrandmamas1234.0
Boston three party1226.5vsBad Animals1343.2
Here to DOmiNATE1106.8vsMad City Drifters 12929.2

Fantasy Week 3 - NBA Week 3

*Gray Gorillas (125)1208.0vsGrandmamas1313.0
hoopsterz1262.5vsNeed Some Luck1047.8
$Chet Chet 1231321.0vsBoston three party1399.0
The Kings1279.5vsMad City Drifters 121124.8
Here to DOmiNATE1359.8vsBad Animals1370.5

Fantasy Week 4 - NBA Week 4

*Gray Gorillas (125)1141.2vs$Chet Chet 1231164.8
hoopsterz1300.2vsThe Kings910.0
Need Some Luck940.0vsMad City Drifters 121097.5
Grandmamas1018.0vsBad Animals1415.5
Boston three party1275.2vsHere to DOmiNATE1130.0

Fantasy Week 5 - NBA Week 5

*Gray Gorillas (125)1051.8vsNeed Some Luck975.0
$Chet Chet 1231018.0vsHere to DOmiNATE738.5
The Kings1093.2vsBoston three party1019.5
Mad City Drifters 12845.8vsBad Animals1107.5

Fantasy Week 6 - NBA Week 6

*Gray Gorillas (125)1011.2vsBoston three party1277.2
hoopsterz1179.0vsNeed Some Luck875.5
$Chet Chet 1231097.5vsGrandmamas1375.2
The Kings1325.5vsMad City Drifters 12990.0
Here to DOmiNATE911.5vsBad Animals1454.5

Fantasy Week 7 - NBA Week 7

*Gray Gorillas (125)1307.0vsHere to DOmiNATE1117.2
hoopsterz1289.0vs$Chet Chet 1231056.8
Need Some Luck931.2vsGrandmamas1148.8
The Kings1252.8vsBad Animals1161.0
Boston three party1263.0vsMad City Drifters 12924.5

Fantasy Week 10 - NBA Week 10

*Gray Gorillas (125)1233.0vsGrandmamas1139.0
hoopsterz1013.5vsBoston three party1284.0
$Chet Chet 1231026.2vsHere to DOmiNATE1073.0
Need Some Luck1019.2vsMad City Drifters 121156.2
The Kings889.0vsBad Animals1281.2

Fantasy Week 11 - NBA Week 11

*Gray Gorillas (125)1127.5vs$Chet Chet 1231228.0
hoopsterz1190.5vsHere to DOmiNATE898.2
Need Some Luck1158.0vsBad Animals1109.5
Grandmamas945.5vsThe Kings1296.2
Boston three party1296.8vsMad City Drifters 12928.8

Playoff Week 1 - NBA Week 22

No Games Scheduled

Playoff Week 2 - NBA Week 23

No Games Scheduled

Playoff Week 3 - NBA Week 24

No Games Scheduled

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