Trade Block Update
Players on the Block:
Positions Needed:
TRADE DEADLINE IS HERE! Anyone want to do a last minute trade? I'm looking for picks/players for next season. Shoot me an offer or chat if anything interests you.
Trade Block Update
Players on the Block:
Positions Needed:
TRADE DEADLINE IS HERE! I'm looking for picks/players for next season. Shoot me an offer or chat if anything interests you.
Trade Block Update
Players on the Block:
Positions Needed:
TRADE DEADLINE A COUPLE OF DAYS AWAY! I'm looking for picks/players for next season. Shoot me an offer or chat if anything interests you.
Trade Block Update
Players on the Block:
Positions Needed:
TRADE DEADLINE THIS WEEK! I'm looking for picks/players for next season. Shoot me an offer or chat if anything interests you. Will listen to offers for RB Jacobs GB.
Trade Block Update
Players on the Block:
Positions Needed:
Looking to move WR Brown KC, to a team playing for next season, for a WR playing this season. Please let me know if interested.
Trade Block Update
Players on the Block:
take a third or RB upgrade
Trade Block Update
Players on the Block:
Positions Needed: