Anyone want to enter my audible $100 entry fee. Big payout for 8 team league!
Sherif M Abdelrahman
zBravo FootballSat May 25 4:22pm ET Edited: Thu May 30 4:40pm ET
Yes, what Bikini said is true. Don't use default . Also, If you notify the Commissioner quickly he can change your pic . Some players tend to grumble but if it is done quickly it doesn't bother me
Johnny Bravo
BikiniCladBombshellsFri May 24 4:21pm ET
Last year it happened to me, and it was explained to me that you have to to "settings" to make sure you aren't limited in how many of one position can be auto selected from your que. Maybe this helps.
Hurts So GoodThu May 23 11:05pm ET
This makes me angry in a league like this I counted on 1 trust the system on2 queued player and it gave me not only not that player but a different position which handcuffs me at the other. 🙈