Trade Block Update
Players on the Block:
Positions Needed:
Trade Block Update
Players on the Block:
Trade Block Update
Players on the Block:
Positions Needed:
or picks
Trade Block Update
Players on the Block:
I am willing to make a few moves; draft picks or players.
Trade Block Update
Players on the Block:
Positions Needed:
If interested Jameson Williams or Kyler Murray, please DM me using the INDIVIDUAL option on the Message Board so we can discuss a deal.. I'm looking for a RB for Williams and possibly a draft pick or a RB for Kyler Murray.. Thanks, Mike
Trade Block Update
Players on the Block:
Positions Needed:
If interested Jameson Williams, please DM me using the INDIVIDUAL option on the Message Board.. I'm not 100% sure on what I want so I don't want to waste anyone's time.. Thanks, Mike
In the event that not everyone knows this neat little extra offered by RTS, you can actually just MESSAGE specific owners.. So if you're ever looking to TRADE, this might be your best bet or not! lol..
HOW? Go to the MESSAGE BOARD and click on POST and then click on the scroll bar to find who you would like to send a message too.. I'm guessing probably most of you savy vet dynasty league owners have known this for quite some time.. lol.. BUT if I helped anyone with this, then it was worth posting this message!
GOOD LUCK to everyone in our first year together!
Fire the Cannons - Mike