Guest of the League
All-American 33
FFL: Offseason | NFL: Offseason
MORE DUDS Tue Dec 17 2:48am ET
All good
I play in other leagues that don't have this set up like this
My question to you is why worry about wins and losses when the most points take preference
Just make the competition based on most points
I would have lost either way but it's makes it competitive
GCQ 3 Tue Dec 17 12:55am ET

I know you're disappointed bro and that's understandable.  The rules clearly state that the first tie break is total points and he has more than you

MORE DUDS Mon Dec 16 11:47pm ET

So I don’t get in even though I had division record

No wonder he didnt play Goff

Kinda makes the last week worthless

All good this was a test run won’t invest much money in this group