I still have a monster johnson, so yeah, yeah me!!!!
Todd Taylor
**Horse Jizz WalzSun Dec 22 7:52pm ET
I have 30+ teams going to championships I’ll be ok lol
Karen Reyes
**Horse Jizz WalzSun Dec 22 7:51pm ET
Congrats Spuds 🤣🤣
Karen Reyes
sudsiesSun Dec 22 7:49pm ET
Bryant Rowe
TuaTuaSun Dec 22 7:45pm ET
😂😂😂 one have to win the onrs that matter
Ben Thacker
**Horse Jizz WalzSun Dec 22 7:43pm ET
🤣🤣🤣 congrats Spuds.. you won the league because the team that just beat me is the most ass team to ever reach a championship.. that’s fantasy though lol
Karen Reyes
TodFatherMon Aug 26 9:38pm ET
I've got a monster johnson, so all of you are really already just playing for 2nd place...!