Good luck. Hunt and kelce f..d me this week. It was fun playing and good luck
Johnnie Willbanks
Run pinky 2Tue Nov 5 12:47am ET Edited: Tue Nov 5 12:47am ET
Good luck to you as well. It is always enjoyable messaging you even though your smack talk is not up to par. Lol
Johnnie Willbanks
Run pinky 2Mon Nov 4 4:26pm ET Edited: Mon Nov 4 4:27pm ET
Believe me I get what your saying. I just wanted to point out to him maybe a little better planing next time. I hope he makes in the playoffs. He has no way to better his team. Should have at least saved 20 fab to pick up players. Just pointing out to him his flaw that WILL cost him. Also.... wasn't you game for people talking smack? I thought my comment was funny. And do notice I never make fun of ANYONE who gets knocked out.
Johnnie Willbanks
Low Zone-3Thu Oct 31 11:48am ET
Not Funny
Gregory Steger
Low Zone-3Thu Oct 31 11:47am ET
Not dunny
Gregory Steger
Run pinky 2Thu Oct 31 2:20am ET
Low zone, bad luck Richardson been benched. Good thing lots of qbs now you can pick up for a dollar..... wait you don't have a dollar!!!! Lol
Johnnie Willbanks
SluggosMon Oct 28 12:19am ET
There can only be one! Hasta.
The OneSat Oct 26 8:47pm ET
Everyone could use a QB in Superflex. Of course bidding on a QB is a consideration and I am not looking at trying to out bid you on your choices.