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FFL: Offseason | NFL: Offseason
MurrayManChld LADD Sun Dec 22 7:41pm ET
Edited: Sun Dec 22 7:46pm ET

When you drop a kicker kind of strange the new kicker doesn't just automatically go into that open slot...I know in other leagues it picks up into the same starting spot from the player you drop.And sometime Rt automatically puts any avail player in a empty spot?? And to make it more of a sting I dropped Elliot who had 19 points LOL.....GOOD LUCK YA'LL played a whole season just to screw up at the end with my kicker and lose for it!!! So Stupid.


MurrayManChld LADD Sun Dec 22 7:23pm ET

what a rip off bs

MurrayManChld LADD Sun Dec 22 7:23pm ET

WTF i put my kicker in the line up