Guest of the League
Buck nuts
High Stakes $125 - FFL: Offseason | NFL: Offseason
High $TEAK$ Sun Oct 6 11:44am ET
Correct 95% sure on this
Razzmatazz Sun Oct 6 2:06am ET
Thanks for the info

In other leagues I’ve played in there’s usually a time where you can pick someone up without paying…after waivers

Seems weird. If you run out of money you can’t add anyone?
High $TEAK$ Sat Oct 5 7:46pm ET
I think it cost a min one dollar to pick up. But you have to wait until tomorrow for it to go through I think there is a free for all at 10am but still cost a dollar
AA-125 Sat Oct 5 7:14pm ET
Not that I know of
Razzmatazz Sat Oct 5 11:18am ET

Is there a way to do an add / drop without putting a bid in?