Guest of the League
Supa Flex
FFL: Offseason | NFL: Offseason

Power Rankings

TeamW/LPointsPower IndexW/LPointsSchedRoster
IN Tennessee Twisters SF1910-52553.701.0001182
Heisenberg Lives SF8-72366.050.9236231
Ptwisted Pteradactyls 46(Win & In playoffs)10-52296.600.8633534
You Like A The Way It Tastes 18-72330.150.83974103
Sea of Hands9-62272.150.7354798
Ridgewood Spartans Baseball 110-52285.700.62626211
Children of the Waco Kid7-82137.600.61991037
Super Flex Lets Go7-82351.050.61283312
Nacua Matata 34-111950.250.5731112105
Nirvana 19-62173.600.5625919