Blah Blah Blah - Brad Fulton Capsule
Roster minimum of 1 Quarterbacks violated by Blah Blah Blah.
Bruce Almighty - Bruce Ward Capsule
Roster minimum of 1 Quarterbacks violated by Bruce Almighty.
Don't Get Mad-Get Madden - Sean Pfeil Capsule
Roster minimum of 1 Quarterbacks violated by Don't Get Mad-Get Madden.
Goomba Stompers - Dillon Davis Capsule
Roster minimum of 1 Quarterbacks violated by Goomba Stompers.
Help Step Burrow I'm Stuck - Kevin Catanoso Capsule
Roster minimum of 1 Quarterbacks violated by Help Step Burrow I'm Stuck.
Kyler's Letting Me Down - Jalen Munoz Capsule
Roster minimum of 1 Quarterbacks violated by Kyler's Letting Me Down.
Roster minimum of 1 Quarterbacks violated by Mini-Mii.
Neion Deions - Ryan Ferwerda Capsule
Roster minimum of 1 Quarterbacks violated by Neion Deions.
Off By One Errors - Sean Kell Capsule
Roster minimum of 1 Quarterbacks violated by Off By One Errors.
Prino's Powerhouse - Joseph Prino Capsule
Roster minimum of 1 Quarterbacks violated by Prino's Powerhouse.
Sunday School - Phil Sparacino Capsule
Roster minimum of 1 Quarterbacks violated by Sunday School.
Roster minimum of 1 Quarterbacks violated by Team Albiza.
The Nightmann Cometh - Matt Mann Capsule
Roster minimum of 1 Quarterbacks violated by The Nightmann Cometh.
Roster minimum of 1 Quarterbacks violated by The Safety Valves.
Werewolf Football - Jacob Baker Capsule
Roster minimum of 1 Quarterbacks violated by Werewolf Football.
Writer's Room - Daniel Kitchen Capsule
Roster minimum of 1 Quarterbacks violated by Writer's Room.