
Professional Dynasty Fantasy Football League - Est. 2003
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Full Season - Platinum
2024 Paid
Playoff League Coupon
Dave Stauff


Professional Dynasty Fantasy Football League Section I

Overview of the Professional Dynasty Fantasy Football League 

1.) Participants:     To become a member of the Professional Dynasty Fantasy Football League an opening must come available and an email must have been sent to the league commissioner expressing your interest in said league. By accepting an opening in the PDFFL, all participants involved, agree to abide by the official rules and regulations governing the PDFFL. Participants must also submit their league entrance fee immediately upon acceptance into the league. All league fees’ are to be sent to the league commissioner: Dave Stauff. The league commissioner will pay all league expenses incurred, as well as league winnings owed to owners at the conclusion of the season. All matters pertaining to league winnings will be discussed later under prize money disbursement.

    - League Payments: All fees pertaining to the league (annual fees, fees incurred by trading of future year's picks, fees for bidding on an open franchise) must be paid by personal check mailed to the commissioner or by PayPal.

        Check: Send to Dave Stauff - 398 Crystal Springs Ln. N., Keizer, OR 97303

        PayPal: Send to DStauff@aol.com

    - Annual fees are due to the Commissioner by March 15 every year.  The website rolls over on March 1, so this gives owners two weeks to reserve their right to continue ownership of their team.  Owners who have not paid their fees by this time will be notified once by message board and email and given a short time to pay their dues.  Failure will result in the Commissioner finding a new owner for that team.  The goal is to have all owners (old and new) paid in full well before the draft to allow us to conduct polls on rules issues during this time.

2021 - Unpaid at deadline:  Chronic Boozers, Mad Max, Man's Best Friend, ParaCoopers

2022 - Unpaid at deadline:  Boo Dogs, Revolting Blob, Up Hill Battle, ParaCoopers

2023 - Unpaid at deadline: Chronic Boozers, Florida Hurricanes, Naptown, New Guy

2024 - Unpaid at deadline: Mad Max, New Guy, ParaCoopers, Relentless

2.) Refunds:     All participants are entitled to a refund of their league dues up until one week prior to the start of that year’s draft under the following stipulations: if they haven't traded away any draft picks for the current or future draft years' or made any trades involving players from their current roster. After said time, all league fee’s collected are considered non refundable. If for some unforeseen reason the PDFFL league is disbanded, all league members are entitled to a full refund of all their fees paid, both current and future. 

 3.) Number of Participants:     The PDFFL will be limited to 24 principle participants with possible expansion in the future.

 4.) Co-managers:     Each party involved reserves the right to govern ownership of their principle franchise anyway they see fit as long as all parties involved abide by the rules and regulations governing the PDFFL League.

 5.) League Structure:     Each PDFFL participant will be assigned to one of two, 12-team conferences, broken down into four divisions of three members. The selection of which division and conference each participant will occupy, will be determined by the order in which each principle participant, sent in his or her respective emails of interest.

 6.) Draft:     Each principal Conference of 12 members has already conducted their initial draft so see Rookie Draft for information regarding future drafts.

 7.) Rookie Draft:   An annual rookie draft will be conducted in two 3 round segments.  The first segment will begin on a date and time (shortly following the conclusion of the NFL Draft) announced by the Commissioner.  The second 3 round segment will begin August 15. Each Segment will be conducted in a straight draft format. (1-12, 1-12).  The rookie draft will consist of all available free agents as well as any incoming players that have declared themselves for that years NFL Draft. Players that have not declared themselves for NFL Draft for that year are not allowed to be drafted. Players that are declared eligible that were previously declared ineligible or declare themselves available late via the NFL Supplemental Draft will be eligible to be drafted in the our second 3 round segment. 

 8.) Draft Order:     The draft order for the each year is determined based on franchise performance the prior year. The team winning their respective conference championship will select at 1.12.  The team losing the conference championship game will select at 1.11.  Draft picks 1.07 through 1.10 will be distributed among the remaining teams who made the league playoff's. Tiebreakers to determine this distribution will be 1) W/L record and 2) total points scored in the prior regular season. The team with the best regular season record (or most points scored in case of a tie in W/L record) that does not advance to their conference championship game will receive the 1.10 pick, etc.  Draft picks 1.01 through 1.06 are distributed to the six franchises that do not make it to the league playoffs. The team from this group with the best regular season W/L record will receive the 1.06 pick. The 1.01 pick will go to the team with the worst regular season W/L record. Tiebreakers to determine this distribution will also be 1) W/L record and 2) total points scored in the prior regular season. The team with the best regular season record (or most points scored in case of a tie in W/L record) will select at 1.06.  Results in the consolation tournament have no impact on this distribution.

 9.) League Management:     The commissioner of the league is Dave Stauff. In all issues pertaining to the league rules, it is his interpretation that takes precedence over everything. In other words, he enforces the rules by his interpretation of the league rules as written. His say is final in all rulings. RTSports will be hired to provide the league’s web based service. All principle owners involved, may at times, possible be polled to determine a change in the league rules or but the league commissioner has the final say.

(a)  Polling by owners on league issues:      All issues that would result in a change to a starting lineup requirements or to scoring rules must be approved by 2/3 of the owners (16 total votes) in order to be incorporated into the league rules. All other issues require 13 votes to achieve majority and acceptance.

10. Scoring Discrepancies: If for any reason a scoring discrepancy or change in the official Stats is made by RTSports prior to the start of the following week's games, the league will then go back to the prior week scoring to make sure that any changes made hasn't effected the outcome of any said game. Please note that RTSports has the final say in all matters pertaining to player statistics and the Commissioner makes no adjustments to the official statistics provided by RTSports.

 11.) Disputes / Appeals Regarding League Rules:     All disputes and appeals regarding league rules must be submitted to the league commissioner.  Once brought to his attention he will utilize the rules and regulations governing the PDFFL to make all decisions. The league commissioner’s decisions are considered final.

 12.) Disbursement of Prize Money:     The league commissioner will distribute all prize money earned by league members upon the completion of each season.

 13.) Team Management Disclaimer:     The PDFFL League commissioner is not responsible for any problem or technical malfunction, which impedes or interferes with the transmission or receipt of any team transaction, including but not limited to free agent moves, or starting lineup submissions. If for some reason there is a down time experienced with our web host, RTSports, all principle owners can submit an email to the league commissioner, reporting the lapse and submit any information pertaining to free agent moves, and starting lineup submissions. These emails are time stamped which eliminates collusion. Once the experienced down time has been repaired, the league commissioner will update all information pertaining to starting lineups and free agent acquisitions. **Note, free agents will be awarded in the order the emails are received if it is after the blind bidding free agency period. The commissioner will also send an email to a fellow league member if this issue pertains to his franchise in an effort to eliminate collusion.

14.) Collusion:     Any participants who act in an effort to dishonestly gain an advantage over their fellow league members, will be disbanded from the league and will forfeit all winnings and league fees. If for any reason a team owner suspects collusion between fellow league members, it should be brought to the attention of the league commissioner. At that time, an investigation will be conducted and the League Commissioner will rule on his findings.

a. Conduct Unbecoming:     Conduct unbecoming a League member is grounds for expulsion. An act of conduct unbecoming is viewed as any personal attack made to a fellow league member via the message board or by private email, as well as, written postings to the message board that have a negative effect on the league as a whole. Lack of respect for the league commissioner and his rulings are grounds for removal. Anytime a league member acts in a manner detrimental to the league and fellow league members, the Commissioner has the right to disband that franchise without reimbursement of League fees collected. The League Commissioner, in an act to allow the entire league a say, may call for a polling of expulsion by all league members before actual removal takes place but it is not required. **Note: The League Commissioner has final say on all matters of conduct unbecoming and will rule in the best interest of the entire league.

b. Gambling:     Although friendly wagering is not condoned it should be conducted in private and not posted on the message board. The League Commissioner in no way condones private wagering.

15.) Team Competitiveness:     Participants are expected to run their franchises in a professional manner throughout the entirety of the Fantasy season. To keep all principal owners active throughout the entire length of the season, the Consolation Bowl was implemented.

a. Tanking of Starting Lineups: Tanking is viewed as submitting a starting lineup with a player or players, in a means to score less points than there opponent. In doing so, they lose a game on purpose in order to gain a higher draft pick in the following years' draft. Tanking is not acceptable and will not be tolerated at any time. The commissioner will determine if a league owner, who starts a player or players on a bye week or a player of lesser starting value over another, gained an advantage in doing so.

b. League Actions to Tanking:     If at anytime the League Commissioner suspects tanking or an issue of tanking is brought to his attention, the League Commissioner will conduct a formal interview of the accused franchise. If it is determined, in the eyes of the commissioner, that in fact an act of tanking as taken place, then steps will be taken to remedy the issue. There will be a three step punishment process ending in dismal. Your first offense will result in being  placed on the grey list for three years. A repeat offense in any three year period will move you to the red list. Once on the red list you will lose three draft positions in the 1st round of the following years draft. A third offense in any three year period will result in expulsion and loss of league fees. Once on the list, the Commissioner will not look on you favorable for repeat offenses and your franchise will be under the microscope. All Commissioner rulings are final and not up for debate.

Grey List - Action Jackson (2023)

Red List - None

16. Replacement of League Openings: As of July 27th, 2009 any league opening that comes available, either by removal, disbandment or abandonment, is eligible to be bought out by any existing owner who has been a franchise owner within the League for a length of 1 full season. This rule is being added to the league rules to be fair to all league owners that have paid their dues over the years. This rule allows eligible owners first dibs on vacancies that come available over new comers to the league. The Commissioner is not eligible to take over any teams that come available.

    a. The process of taking over an available team will be a blind bid process. Any eligible league owner can submit a blind bid, via email, to the League Commissioner.  An eligible owner is defined as one who 1) has paid current year's league fees, and 2) still owns all his draft picks for the current and future years.  In other words, any owner who has traded away future picks cannot then swap out for a different team. The minimum bid will be $25 and the highest bid received wins the available franchise.  The winning bid amount is due immediately and is in addition to yearly league fees. Monies received via bids will go into a fund to allow the Commissioner to discount annual fees if a roster is abandoned and proves difficult to sell at full price.  Any amount bid above $75 will transfer to the winning bidder’s future league fee's. Example: If you bid $100 for a team and you’re the highest bidder, you pay the league $100 upon acceptance. The first $75 will be put into the fund; the $25 balance is credited to your team for future league fees. Your league fees from your previous team will have been already paid and will be transferred to your new team for the current year.

League Fund Balance: $75 deposited 4/12/18; $75 deposited on 3/28/22; $75 deposited on 1/10/23.

  b. The time frame that bids will be accepted will be announced to all league members via an email and will be posted to the league message board.

 c. All bids are blind with only the Commissioner knowing the amount bid by any said franchise. At the conclusion of the bidding process, all bids received will be made public. 

  d. The team that wins the available franchise will vacate their former team and it will be opened up for bid. If no bid is placed then the available team will be rewarded to an outsider.

  e. League fee balances are transferable, No loss is incurred by transfer of ownership


 Section II: Official Rules and Regulations of the Professional Dynasty Fantasy Football League

 1.) Overview:     The Professional Dynasty Fantasy Football League will consist of 24 teams/managers, broken into two Conferences of 12 members each. The PDFFL regular season will extend from NFL week 1 through NFL week 13. The PDFFL playoffs will be conducted NFL week 14 through NFL week 17. The PDFFL Consolation Bowl will be conducted at the same time as the league playoffs.

2.) Draft: Each conference will be composed of 12 teams, and each draft will last 6 rounds, with each team selecting a player in each round in a straight draft fashion unless a particular draft pick was traded away or additional picks acquired, whereas more than one selection may be made per round by a given franchise. Each conference of 12 members has it’s own player pool to draft from. There are no rules governing the number of players to be drafted at each position. It is up to the skill and draft strategy of each team owner to decide. 

 a. Time limit per pick:     Each franchise will be allotted 24 hours to make their respective selection each round. If after that allotted time, a selection has not been made by the franchise in question, the pick will be skipped.  The following franchise will then have the opportunity to make their respective selection. After the following franchise has made their selection, the previous franchise will then be placed back on the clock for another 24-hour period. This pattern will be continued until a franchise has been skipped three times in succession. If a franchise is skipped the third time, the draft will be halted and a replacement owner will be found to take over the franchise. The previous owner will be removed from the league and forfeit any entrance fees collected to that point present and future. The League Commissioner has the right to halt any act of removal if he thinks the League member has just cause for his absence. The Commissioner has final say but will try to rule in the best interest of the entire league and in regards to the above mentioned rule as it is written. Repeat offenders will not be looked upon favorably. Any repeat offense in a three year period (beginning with the year in which the first offense occurs) will result in a net loss of 3 draft positions on their 1st round pick in the following years draft, assuming they still own the franchise and the pick at the time.  Note: Owners who may be indisposed during the draft should make themselves familiar with the auto-draft features RTSports offers.

Current Offenders (YR) - Paracoopers (2021)  List updated annually.

Repeat Offenders (YR) - 

 b. Trading of draft picks:     The trading of draft picks will be allowed as long as the trade is not overly one-sided in an act to benefit just one principal franchise. A copy of all finalized trades must be sent to the league commissioner and results posted on the league message board. Any league member can call for a vote as to the fairness and legitimacy of a trade offer within three days of the completion of the trade but you must have due cause to do so. Each owner will be allowed to call a vote of complaint once throughout the season. Once a vote of complaint is called the league Commish will ask that grounds for said complaint be presented before the league via the message board. Then, following that presentation of complaint, the League Commish will judge as to whether the complaint warrants a league veto vote. Each principal party, bringing an issue of complaint before the league office, will lose his one right of complaint per year even if the issue is never taken before his peers.

 c. Trading of players: The trading of players among franchise owners is allowed as long as the trade is not overly one-sided in an act to benefit just one principal franchise. All trades agreed upon between owners must be sent to the league commissioner for approval. Trade activity will be reflected in the League Transactions section of the website once the commissioner has approved it. Any league owner can call for a vote to revoke a trade within three days of the trade's approval. Each owner will be allowed to request such a vote once in any given season, but this limit applies even if the issue is not taken to vote. Once a vote has been requested, the commissioner will ask the requesting owner to present the basis for their request to the league via the message board.  Following presentation of the requester's complaint, the commissioner will whether the issue should go to a vote of the league. Should a vote of owners be deemed appropriate, a majority of all league owners (13 total) will be required to veto a trade.

Vote of complaint initiated:

2017 - I Robot

d. Trading of Blind Bid Money: The trading of blind bid money is allowed among franchises. The trading of bid money is allowed during the current fiscal year only. A team may accrue as much bid money as they wish during one current fiscal year. Any unused funds at the end of the free agency period will not be allowed to be carried over into a new fiscal year. Bid money can be part of a package deal involving players or as the centerpiece of a deal. 

 3.)League Fiscal Year:     The fiscal year of each season runs from March 1st of the current year through March 1st of the following year.

4.) Trades Made:     Trades made that involve current fiscal year draft picks are not considered future draft picks but all franchises must have there current years league dues paid in full before they are made official and accepted by the league Commissioner.

a. Trading of future draft picks:     The trading of future draft picks is allowed under the following conditions;

   I. Future draft picks can be traded as long as the above mention guidelines of collusion and team competitiveness are observed.

   II. Each franchise that trades away a future draft pick must pay annual league fees for the year(s) involving the pick(s) before the trade becomes official.  If payment is not made within a week of acceptance, then the trade is voided. No refund of future years' league fees will be granted that involve draft picks traded away for those futures if a team decides to disband. The Commissioner may grant a refund in certain cases but is not required.

   III. A future draft pick is described as a draft pick to be used in the following year's draft. (Example) If you are competing in the 2017 season and trade away a 2018 draft pick. A future draft pick ceases to be a future draft pick on March 1st of each current league year. March 1st is the official start date of the new fiscal year. Any trades involving draft picks made prior to March 1st of the current league year, must abide by all rules pertaining to the trading of future draft picks.

   IV. Each franchise that trades away a player from their current roster must pay their present year's dues before the trade becomes official. If payment is not made within a week, then the trade is voided. No refund of league fees for the current year will be granted if a player is traded from a franchises current roster within two months of the start of the regular season.  

        a. Surrogates:      Each principal participant may ask the league commissioner to make certain selections in their absence if they so choose. This is done in a manner to speed the draft selection process. This is a service provided by the commissioner to help with the speed of the draft as well as limit frustration on the part of all involved.

 5.) Roster Requirements:     Each team will operate with a roster size of 30 during the season.  There will be no additional IR spots available.  Prior to the draft each year the allowable roster size will be increased to 40 to allow teams to accumulate draft picks/players without making drops.  Following completion of the draft, the roster limit will be set to 30.  Final roster cut deadline will be the Monday before the start of the regular season.  When the Commissioner wakes up on Tuesday, any team with more than 30 players on the roster will have their cuts made by the Commissioner.  A team need not wait until the deadline to make the required cuts.  If the Commissioner has to make a roster cut for a team, those cuts are final. The Commissioner will generally drop the most recently drafted players if he's forced to make the decision.

a. If trades are made involving franchise's receiving more players than they are trading away, they must release players prior to accepting the trade so that their roster stays within the current roster limit before it will be allowed.

b. Roster size was increased to 30 in 2005.

6.) Lineups Requirements:     Starting lineups will consist of: 1 QB 2 RB 2 WR 1 TE 1 Flex Player (a RB or WR, or TE) 1 PK and 1 Team Defense/Special Teams

a. Lineup Submission: All lineups are to be submitted by 1:00 PM EST on Sunday or the 1st scheduled Sunday game. The only exceptions are for players involved in games earlier in the week or Monday Night Football. Those players must be submitted prior to kickoff of there respective scheduled games. Once your starting lineups have been submitted and a player is involved in a game that has been played or is underway, the league site locks those players in and no changes can be made to those starting lineup players. As for Monday Night Football games, if you have multiply players on your roster and they are playing on Monday Night Football, you can wait up until kickoff to declare those players. Just remember if you have a player in your starting lineup and he has already played a game earlier in the week before the Monday Night Football, he will be locked in and no changes can be made to your starting lineup.

b. League Site Access Problems: If for some reason the league web site were to go down, the league commissioner can be emailed starting lineups, as well as, changes to your starting lineup. Free agency acquisitions can also be submitted to the league commissioner and will be awarded in the order they are received. All these transactions are time stamped, per your email provider, so there is no way for collusion.

7.) Scoring: A player may score from any position on the field in the following manner with one exception. A player returning a kickoff, blocked field goal attempt, or punt for a TD will not be awarded an individual score. That score will only count for the Defense/Special Teams.

a. Passing: Yards passing divided by 10 (e.g. 215 passing yards = 21.5 fantasy points). 6 points for every passing TD, 2 points for every 2 point conversion, Minus two points (-2) for every interception thrown  and a 5 point bonus awarded for every 300 yards passing

b. Rushing: Yards rushing divided by 10 (e.g. 89 rushing yards = 8.9 fantasy points). 6 points for every rushing TD, 2 points for every 2 point conversion and a 5 point bonus awarded for every 100 yards rushing

c. Receiving:
Yards receiving divided by 10 (e.g. 95 receiving yards = 9.5 fantasy points). 6 points for every receiving TD, 1 point for every reception, 2 points for every 2 point conversion and a 5 point bonus awarded for every 100 yards receiving

d. Placekicking:
1 point awarded for every Extra point, 3 points awarded for a FG 1-30 yards.
.1 point awarded for every 1 yard above 30 (e.g. 39 yard FG = 3.9 fantasy points)

e. Defense/Special Teams:
6 points for each kickoff return for a touchdown
6 points for each punt return for a touchdown
6 points for each defensive touchdown (Interception, fumble, blocked kick returned)
2 points for each safety
2 points for each sack
2 points for each interception
2 points for each fumble recovered
5 point bonus for holding the opposing team under 300 yards total offense


f. Rule in regards to Double Turnovers and how its scored:

*** A double-turnover is when the Offense turns the ball over to the opposing Defense, which subsequently turns the ball over back to the Offense. In this case, the Offense's ball recovery and any subsequent TD scoring on that particular play are scored as Defensive/Special Team scoring for that team.

8.) Point Calculations:     Team scoring will be carried out to the hundredth (e.g. a team may score 94.75 points).

9.) Free Agents:     Any player who is not on a team roster within your respective conference is considered a free agent.

10.) Free Agent Acquisitions:     Prior to the start of the regular season and following the rookie draft, free agents will not be allowed to be claimed off of free agency until the start of the waiver wire period, week #2 of the regular season. The League Waiver Wire system will be a blind bid format system with each franchise being given $1000 to spend throughout the legal blind bid free agency periods. That period runs each week, starting on Tuesday morning at 8:00 AM EST. Every franchise will be allowed to submit their bids for available free agents starting at that time. Each franchise will have until Thursday afternoon, by 12:00:00 PM EST of each week, to submit their bids. Free agents will be awarded within 6 hours after the close of the Blind Bid waiver wire period. The highest bid wins said player. Starting every Thursday night, of each week, at 6:00 PM EST, each Franchise can make unrestricted free agency pickups at no cost towards their Blind Bid money. This period lasts until 1:00 PM EST, every Sunday. Note: If a player has already played in a game after the unrestricted free agency period starts, he will not be allowed to be claimed until the following week. Example would be a Thursday night game or a Sat night game. *Note the free agency period also ends following the start of week #13's Sunday 1:00 games. No free agents are allowed to be picked up after that.

In the case of a tie in blind bids, the team with the lowest points scored to date will be given the free agent.

 a.) There is no max bid limit as long as the franchise has accrued X amount of dollars that they bid.

11.) Trading between Franchises: Trading among teams within the same conference is allowed as long as an act of collusion or roster dumping is not observed. All trading between franchises ends after week 9 play. No refund of league fees will be granted if a team asks for their release from the league and has traded a player or players away prior to two months from the start of the regular season.  Trade requests will not be accepted by the website beginning one hour before early kickoff on Sunday.  Trade requests expecting a quick approval by the Commish/Co-commish will be dependent on one of those folks seeing the request and being in a position to execute the approval - so if you engage in a trade expecting to use the player right away you may be disappointed.

12.) League Structure:     Each team, within their designated conference, will play their divisional opponents twice for a total of four division games. The same franchise will play 8 of the other 9 conference opponents for a total of 8 conferences games. The regular season is 12 weeks long.

a. League Schedule: Every attempt will be made to release the League's 12 week regular season schedule prior to the release date of the NFL's regular season schedule.

13.) League Playoffs: Six teams per conference make it to the league playoffs - four division winners and two wild cards. The remaining six franchises are entered into the league Consolation Bowl playoff round.  Division winners will be established by comparing teams in the division using the following criteria (in tiebreaking order): 1) W/L record, 2) head to head, 3) record within division, and 4) total points scored.  If it becomes necessary to apply the head to head criteria to all three teams in the division (which would mean looking at the results of 6 divisional games), the W/L record of each of the 3 teams involved will be assigned a win percentage.  If one team is clearly atop this tiebreaker, they will be assigned the seed at issue and the other two remaining teams will be measured against each other head to head (not including the third team which has already established their seed).  If applying the head to head between these two teams establishes a winner, they will be seeded accordingly.  If not, the divisional record will be applied and, if necessary, total points.  If, by chance, all three teams in the division tie when the head to head tiebreaker is applied, the division records of the three teams will be compared.  Once again, if one team has a better record than the others, it will be given better seed; if the other two are tied they will go to total points.  In no case will a division record be adjusted in applying this tiebreaker - every team will have 4 division games used in determining this tiebreaker, even after one has advanced.  Once these four division champions have been identified, they will be will seeded 1 through 4 using only W/L record and total points scored as tiebreakers [effective 2020].   Two wild card teams will also be identified from the remaining franchises using the following criteria (in tiebreaking order): 1) W/L record, and 2) total points scored.  These wild card entries will be seeded 5 and 6.

Of the four division winners, the top two seeds (1 and 2), will receive a first round bye in the playoffs.

The 3 seed will play the 6 seed and the 4 seed will play the 5 seed. These two games are considered the wildcard round. Week 15 will be for the division championship with the 1 seed playing the lowest seeded team remaining and the 2 seed playing the highest seeded team remaining. Week 16 will be for the Conference Championship pitting the two week 15 winners against one another to see who will represent their conference in the PDFFL Super Bowl week 17.

The six teams that do not make it into the league playoffs will complete for the Consolation Bowl Championship. The winner of the Consolation Bowl receives a free entrance in to the following years competition, free of charge.  Teams in the consolation bowl will be seeded using the same criteria tiebreaking as the wild card teams: 1) W/L record, 2) total points scored.  The 7 and 8 seeds will receive a 1st round bye the same as the league playoff format. Week 16 will see the winner of each conference play the other conference winner for the Consolation Bowl Championship.

Should a playoff game end in a tie, the team with the most regular season total points will move on to the next round. 

14.) Prize money Disbursement: League prize money will be disbursed as follows*:

$1800 League Collection
-$155 League Service Provider www.rtsports.com

$1645 Balance after league Expenses

$330 - To the League Champion

$200 - To Each Conference Champion
$100 - To Each Conference Runner-up
$480 - $60 Each Division Winner
$160 - $40 Each Wildcard Team
$ 75 - Consolation Bowl Winner (Free Admission Following Year)
$0 - Balance After payouts

In following years, prize money disbursement may change as league members may wish to increase league dues.  *Payouts were modified in 2018 based on owner polling.

All rules contained in this document are subject to change at the discretion of the Commissioner and the League Commissioner has final say in all matters relating to league rules and there interpretation.

PDFFL Hall of Fame

High Score - 2013 Wk 14 Flash Bayou 262.4

Low Score - 2018 Week 12 Man's Best Friend 33.40

Highest Scoring Game Played -2004 Wk 12 4th Las 229.3 vs Fanatical Professionals 229.7 - 459 Total Pts Scored

Lowest Scoring Game Played -2003 Wk 8 Harrisburg Hogs 85.7 vs Stool Pigeons 66.3 152 Total Pts Scored

Largest Margin of Victory -2008 Wk 3 Harrisburg Hogs 238.10 vs Stool Pigeons 79.30 Margin of Victory 158.8

Closes Margin of Victory -2003 Wk 11 Gridiron Glad 133.8 vs Straight Butta 133.7 Margin of Victory .1 Pt -2004 Wildcard Gm, Consolation Bracket, Willamette Valley 170.5 vs Mad Dawgs 170.6 Margin of Victory .1 Pt

Worst Regular Season Record -2003 Stool Pigeons 0-12

Best Regular Season Record - 2011 StraightButta 12-0; 2003; Money Moves 11-1 (Left League in 2004); 2009 Relentless Inc. 11-1; 2017 Naptown; 2017 Doughboys, 2018 Ashburn Mob, 2019 Disposable Heroes


Past Owners Remembered:

Richard Cook:  League founding father and commissioner 2003-2016.  Left in Spring of 2017 to pursue other opportunities tugging at his heartstrings.  Team name - Fanatical Football Professionals.  Highest League Accomplishment: ADFFC East Division Champion (2004, 2007, 2009, 2010).  Career Winnings $435.  We'll all miss you Rich.

Shawn M. VanHamert Age 35, Joined in 2005, left us on August 28th, 2013. Team Name - Hell Diablos - Highest League Accomplishment: 2011 NDFFC Conference Champion, Career Winnings - $585 Great League Member, Missed! RIP our friend!


2025 PDFFL Draft Order (Revised 12/31/24) (Before Trades and Adjustments*)


Flash Bayou

Chronic Boozers

Mad Max


Revolting Blob


I Robot

Boo Dogs

Man's Best Friend

Ashburn Mob

Harrisburg Hogs

Willamette Valley Velociraptors


Florida Hurricanes

Dogwood Retrievers

Disposable Heroes

New Guy

White Fire

Boococky Bandits

Up Hill Battle

Gridiron Gladiators


The Outlaws

Straight Butta

Action Jackson


























Regular Season
NFL Week 1 thru NFL Week 13
Post Season
NFL Week 14 thru NFL Week 17



Tie Breakers
  1. Head-to-Head
  2. Divisional Record
  3. Conference Record
  4. Total Points Scored in Games
Game Tie Breakers
Your commissioner will manually establish all playoff games


Roster Size
Roster Limits
Running Back023
Wide Receiver023
Tight End021
Defense/Sp Team021

Def/Special Teams
Combined as one unit
Player Pool
Each conference separate
Injured Reserve
League does not use injured reserve
Taxi Squad
League does not use taxi squad


Lineup Limits
Running Back2to2
Wide Receiver2to2
Tight End1to1
Defense/Sp Team1to1
Flex ( RB WR TE )1to1
Week 1Thu Feb 29 11:00pm CTthruMon Sep 9 7:00pm CT
Week 2Tue Sep 10 6:00am CTthruMon Sep 16 7:00pm CT
Week 3Tue Sep 17 6:00am CTthruMon Sep 23 7:00pm CT
Week 4Tue Sep 24 6:00am CTthruMon Sep 30 7:00pm CT
Week 5Tue Oct 1 6:00am CTthruMon Oct 7 7:00pm CT
Week 6Tue Oct 8 6:00am CTthruMon Oct 14 7:00pm CT
Week 7Tue Oct 15 6:00am CTthruMon Oct 21 7:00pm CT
Week 8Tue Oct 22 6:00am CTthruMon Oct 28 7:00pm CT
Week 9Tue Oct 29 6:00am CTthruMon Nov 4 7:00pm CT
Week 10Tue Nov 5 6:00am CTthruMon Nov 11 7:00pm CT
Week 11Tue Nov 12 6:00am CTthruMon Nov 18 7:00pm CT
Week 12Tue Nov 19 6:00am CTthruMon Nov 25 7:00pm CT
Week 13Tue Nov 26 6:00am CTthruMon Dec 2 7:00pm CT
Playoff Week 1Tue Dec 3 6:00am CTthruMon Dec 9 7:00pm CT
Playoff Week 2Tue Dec 10 6:00am CTthruMon Dec 16 7:00pm CT
Playoff Week 3Tue Dec 17 6:00am CTthruMon Dec 23 7:00pm CT
Playoff Week 4Tue Dec 24 6:00am CTthruMon Dec 30 7:00pm CT

Online Draft

Draft Rules
ADFFC Conference
Scheduled for Sun May 12 10:00am CT
Automatically started by system
6 rounds
24 hrs per pick
Draft Order
ADFFC Conference
#1 Mad Max
#2 BooDogs
#3 Harrisburg Hogs
#4 Naptown
#5 Revolting Blob
#6 I Robot
#7 Flash Bayou
#8 Man's Best Friends
#9 Willamette Valley Velociraptors
#10 ParaCoopers
#11 Chronic Boozers
#12 Ashburn Mob

Draft Rules
NDFFC Conference
Scheduled for Sun May 12 10:00am CT
Automatically started by system
6 rounds
24 hrs per pick
Draft Order
NDFFC Conference
#1 Action Jackson for President!!
#2 Boococky Bandits
#3 Disposable Heroes
#4 The Outlaws
#5 WhiteFire
#6 Relentless
#7 NewGuy
#8 Florida Hurricanes
#9 Up Hill Battle
#10 StraightButta
#11 The Dogwood Retrievers
#12 Gridiron Gladiators

Free Agents

Player Adds
League uses a waiver wire to add free agents to a team
League allows free-for-all free agent adds after the waiver wire
Waiver Wire
Players awarded Blind Bid Against FAAB
Season waiver budget $1000
Minimum waiver bid $1
Maximum waiver bid $10000
If bids are tied, the team with the fewest total points will be awarded the player
Teams may acquire a maximum of 10 players per waiver wire

Teams may not acquire players after their game has started
Teams may not drop bench players after their game has started
Waiver wires are suspended after Fantasy Week 13 / NFL Week 13
Preseason Waivers
Your commissioner does not permit preseason waivers
Week 1 Waivers
Your commissioner does not permit week 1 waivers
In-Season Waivers
Submission deadlines: Thu @ 11:00am CT
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Playoff Week 1
Playoff Week 2
Playoff Week 3
Playoff Week 4
Free for All
Week 2Thu Sep 12 5:00pm CTthruSun Sep 15 12:00pm CT
Week 3Thu Sep 19 5:00pm CTthruSun Sep 22 12:00pm CT
Week 4Thu Sep 26 5:00pm CTthruSun Sep 29 12:00pm CT
Week 5Thu Oct 3 5:00pm CTthruSun Oct 6 12:00pm CT
Week 6Thu Oct 10 5:00pm CTthruSun Oct 13 12:00pm CT
Week 7Thu Oct 17 5:00pm CTthruSun Oct 20 12:00pm CT
Week 8Thu Oct 24 5:00pm CTthruSun Oct 27 12:00pm CT
Week 9Thu Oct 31 5:00pm CTthruSun Nov 3 12:00pm CT
Week 10Thu Nov 7 5:00pm CTthruSun Nov 10 12:00pm CT
Week 11Thu Nov 14 5:00pm CTthruSun Nov 17 12:00pm CT
Week 12Thu Nov 21 5:00pm CTthruSun Nov 24 12:00pm CT
Week 13Thu Nov 28 5:00pm CTthruSun Dec 1 12:00pm CT

Teams may not add players after their game has started
Teams may not drop bench players after their game has started
Protected Free Agents
Not Used
Transaction Limits
All free agent transactions are suspended after Fantasy Week 13 / NFL Week 13
Unlimited free agent adds by a team per week
Unlimited free agent adds by a team for the year


Team owners may trade, but commissioner approval is required
Trading is suspended after Fantasy Week 9
Future Draft Picks
Team owners may trade future draft picks
Week 1Thu Feb 29 11:00pm CTthruSun Sep 8 11:00am CT
Week 2Tue Sep 10 6:00am CTthruSun Sep 15 11:00am CT
Week 3Tue Sep 17 6:00am CTthruSun Sep 22 11:00am CT
Week 4Tue Sep 24 6:00am CTthruSun Sep 29 11:00am CT
Week 5Tue Oct 1 6:00am CTthruSun Oct 6 11:00am CT
Week 6Tue Oct 8 6:00am CTthruSun Oct 13 11:00am CT
Week 7Tue Oct 15 6:00am CTthruSun Oct 20 11:00am CT
Week 8Tue Oct 22 6:00am CTthruSun Oct 27 11:00am CT
Week 9Tue Oct 29 6:00am CTthruSun Nov 3 11:00am CT
The league will be notified of completed trades

League Fees

Assessed Fees
League Entry$75
Wins and Losses
Wins Credit$0
Roster Moves
Each Player Acquired$0
Each Player Acquired via Waivers$0
Each Player Acquired via Free Agency$0
Each Player Released$0
Each Player Placed on I/R$0
Each Player Activated from I/R$0
Lineup Moves
Each Player Started$0
Each Player Benched$0
Each Trade$0
Each Player Traded Away$0
Each Player Traded For$0

Rushing Scoring

Rushing TDs
6 pts for each rushing TD
Rushing 2XPs
2 pts for each rushing 2XP
Rushing Yds
0.10 pts for each rushing yd
5 pts for 100 or more rushing yds
Rushing Atts
Not Used
Yds Per Rush
Not Used
Rushing First Downs
Not Used
Yd TD Rush
Not Used
Fumbles Lost
Not Used
Not Used

Passing Scoring

Passing TDs
6 pts for each passing TD
Passing 2XPs
2 pts for each passing 2XP
Passing Yds
0.10 pts for each passing yd
5 pts for 300 or more passing yds
Passing Atts
Not Used
Yds Per Attempt
Not Used
Not Used
Yds Per Completion
Not Used
% Completion Rate
Not Used
Passer Rating
Not Used
Passing First Downs
Not Used
Yd TD Pass
Not Used
Interceptions Thrown
-2 pts for each interception thrown
Pick 6s
Not Used
Not Used
Times Sacked
Not Used

Receiving Scoring

Receiving TDs
6 pts for each receiving TD
Receiving 2XP
2 pts for each receiving 2XP
Receiving Yds
0.10 pts for each receiving yd
5 pts for 100 or more receiving yds
1 pts for each reception
Yds Per Reception
Not Used
Not Used
Rec First Downs
Not Used
Yd TD Reception
Not Used

Combined Yardage Scoring

Rush And Rec Yds
Not Used
Rush And Pass Yds
Not Used
Rush, Pass, And Rec Yds
Not Used

Kicking Scoring

Made FGs
Not Used
3 pts for 1 or more yd FG
0.10 pts for every 1 yd FG beginning with 31 yd FG
Made PATs
1 pts for each made PAT
Missed FGs
Not Used
Yd Missed FG
Not Used
Missed XPs
Not Used

Defensive Scoring

Fumble Return TDs
6 pts for each fumble return TD
Yd Fumble Return TD
Not Used
Int Return TDs
6 pts for each int return TD
Yd Int Return TD
Not Used
2 pts for each safety
Defensive ST TDs
6 pts for each defensive ST TD
Yd Defensive ST TD
Not Used
Defensive ST Safety
2 pts for each defensive ST safety
Pts Allowed
Not Used
D/ST Pts Allowed
Not Used
Yds Allowed
5 pts for 1 to 299 yds allowed
0 pts for 300 to 999 yds allowed
Rushing Yds Allowed
Not Used
Passing Yds Allowed
Not Used
2 pts for each sack
Sack Yds
Not Used
Fumbles Forced
Not Used
Fumbles Recovered
2 pts for each fumble recovered
Fumble Return Yds
Not Used
2 pts for each interception
Int Return Yds
Not Used
Not Used
Turnover Return Yds
Not Used
Over On Downs
Not Used
Blocked FGs
Not Used
Blocked XPs
Not Used
Blocked Punts
Not Used
Not Used
Tackles For Loss
Not Used
Not Used
Passes Defensed
Not Used

Special Teams Scoring

Kickoff Return TDs
6 pts for each kickoff return TD
Yd Kickoff Return TD
Not Used
Kickoff Return Yds
Not Used
Punt Return TDs
6 pts for each punt return TD
Yd Punt Return TD
Not Used
Punt Return Yds
Not Used
Return Yds
Not Used
Punts Inside20
Not Used
XP Returns
Not Used
XP Safetys
Not Used
2XP Stops
Not Used
ST Fumbles Lost
Not Used
ST Fumbles
Not Used