Petrified Forest | 140.00 | vs | New team | 104.10 |
JRGSF22 | 109.65 | vs | Junk Yard Dog | 165.25 |
*Philadelphia Eagles | 171.75 | vs | Bootleggers | 140.30 |
OC SF 9 | 138.85 | vs | The Machine | 78.35 |
Sam Giancana | 111.05 | vs | Ballbusters 70 | 102.15 |
Werewolves of London | 122.70 | vs | Cash7 | 109.85 |
Petrified Forest | 88.65 | vs | JRGSF22 | 150.05 |
New team | 131.90 | vs | Junk Yard Dog | 117.10 |
*Philadelphia Eagles | 165.00 | vs | OC SF 9 | 111.20 |
Bootleggers | 132.30 | vs | The Machine | 98.45 |
Sam Giancana | 134.45 | vs | Werewolves of London | 107.65 |
Ballbusters 70 | 163.35 | vs | Cash7 | 117.00 |
Petrified Forest | 135.70 | vs | Junk Yard Dog | 134.95 |
New team | 144.75 | vs | JRGSF22 | 141.15 |
*Philadelphia Eagles | 111.15 | vs | The Machine | 146.05 |
Bootleggers | 162.55 | vs | OC SF 9 | 72.65 |
Sam Giancana | 153.25 | vs | Cash7 | 67.80 |
Ballbusters 70 | 137.80 | vs | Werewolves of London | 161.05 |
Petrified Forest | 112.85 | vs | *Philadelphia Eagles | 152.50 |
New team | 118.25 | vs | Bootleggers | 126.50 |
JRGSF22 | 120.05 | vs | Werewolves of London | 146.90 |
Junk Yard Dog | 163.25 | vs | Cash7 | 138.95 |
OC SF 9 | 117.20 | vs | Sam Giancana | 146.50 |
The Machine | 90.00 | vs | Ballbusters 70 | 127.50 |
Petrified Forest | 138.50 | vs | Bootleggers | 113.75 |
New team | 170.05 | vs | OC SF 9 | 131.10 |
JRGSF22 | 171.35 | vs | Sam Giancana | 147.75 |
Junk Yard Dog | 136.60 | vs | Ballbusters 70 | 116.70 |
*Philadelphia Eagles | 115.90 | vs | Werewolves of London | 113.40 |
The Machine | 147.00 | vs | Cash7 | 138.85 |
Petrified Forest | 166.00 | vs | Cash7 | 112.95 |
New team | 94.50 | vs | Werewolves of London | 132.95 |
JRGSF22 | 119.20 | vs | The Machine | 139.05 |
Junk Yard Dog | 157.10 | vs | Bootleggers | 106.05 |
*Philadelphia Eagles | 155.55 | vs | Sam Giancana | 137.95 |
OC SF 9 | 105.10 | vs | Ballbusters 70 | 125.95 |
Petrified Forest | 119.20 | vs | Werewolves of London | 89.30 |
New team | 103.95 | vs | Ballbusters 70 | 158.10 |
JRGSF22 | 138.20 | vs | Bootleggers | 69.35 |
Junk Yard Dog | 140.80 | vs | *Philadelphia Eagles | 127.20 |
OC SF 9 | 52.35 | vs | Cash7 | 119.40 |
The Machine | 125.00 | vs | Sam Giancana | 119.30 |
Petrified Forest | 147.95 | vs | OC SF 9 | 118.00 |
New team | 145.60 | vs | The Machine | 142.00 |
JRGSF22 | 141.85 | vs | Cash7 | 110.80 |
Junk Yard Dog | 112.30 | vs | Sam Giancana | 149.85 |
*Philadelphia Eagles | 173.20 | vs | Ballbusters 70 | 157.45 |
Bootleggers | 137.15 | vs | Werewolves of London | 177.20 |
Petrified Forest | 153.55 | vs | The Machine | 121.35 |
New team | 117.85 | vs | Sam Giancana | 155.50 |
JRGSF22 | 111.65 | vs | OC SF 9 | 118.25 |
Junk Yard Dog | 158.15 | vs | Werewolves of London | 150.35 |
*Philadelphia Eagles | 162.40 | vs | Cash7 | 110.55 |
Bootleggers | 140.60 | vs | Ballbusters 70 | 144.65 |
Petrified Forest | 120.75 | vs | Ballbusters 70 | 131.20 |
New team | 136.05 | vs | Cash7 | 115.10 |
JRGSF22 | 133.45 | vs | *Philadelphia Eagles | 149.65 |
Junk Yard Dog | 100.15 | vs | OC SF 9 | 97.45 |
Bootleggers | 143.50 | vs | Sam Giancana | 123.15 |
The Machine | 127.35 | vs | Werewolves of London | 126.95 |
Petrified Forest | 145.65 | vs | Sam Giancana | 134.55 |
New team | 140.95 | vs | *Philadelphia Eagles | 159.30 |
JRGSF22 | 89.70 | vs | Ballbusters 70 | 191.80 |
Junk Yard Dog | 177.60 | vs | The Machine | 103.10 |
Bootleggers | 132.05 | vs | Cash7 | 143.65 |
OC SF 9 | 116.00 | vs | Werewolves of London | 177.75 |
Petrified Forest | 149.05 | vs | New team | 98.10 |
JRGSF22 | 113.35 | vs | Junk Yard Dog | 172.55 |
*Philadelphia Eagles | 142.95 | vs | Bootleggers | 115.10 |
OC SF 9 | 149.40 | vs | The Machine | 138.00 |
Sam Giancana | 109.20 | vs | Ballbusters 70 | 136.50 |
Werewolves of London | 147.00 | vs | Cash7 | 91.55 |
Petrified Forest | 109.55 | vs | JRGSF22 | 142.90 |
New team | 156.05 | vs | Junk Yard Dog | 148.40 |
*Philadelphia Eagles | 148.20 | vs | OC SF 9 | 89.20 |
Bootleggers | 140.70 | vs | The Machine | 104.35 |
Sam Giancana | 164.65 | vs | Werewolves of London | 120.95 |
Ballbusters 70 | 139.00 | vs | Cash7 | 120.45 |
Petrified Forest | 176.65 | vs | Junk Yard Dog | 122.50 |
New team | 178.95 | vs | JRGSF22 | 157.70 |
*Philadelphia Eagles | 186.75 | vs | The Machine | 115.45 |
Bootleggers | 172.05 | vs | OC SF 9 | 119.25 |
Sam Giancana | 138.90 | vs | Cash7 | 71.40 |
Ballbusters 70 | 100.85 | vs | Werewolves of London | 164.85 |
Sam Giancana | 144.10 | vs | Ballbusters 70 | 161.45 |
Petrified Forest | 128.15 | vs | Werewolves of London | 153.70 |
JRGSF22 | 139.10 | vs | Bootleggers | 142.15 |
New team | 161.45 | vs | The Machine | 85.00 |
Ballbusters 70 | 173.80 | vs | *Philadelphia Eagles | 122.60 |
Werewolves of London | 127.20 | vs | Junk Yard Dog | 173.00 |
Bootleggers | 176.80 | vs | OC SF 9 | 91.90 |
New team | 200.80 | vs | Cash7 | 98.50 |
Ballbusters 70 | 157.75 | vs | Junk Yard Dog | 117.70 |
Werewolves of London | 148.90 | vs | *Philadelphia Eagles | 130.20 |
New team | 113.25 | vs | Bootleggers | 195.25 |
Cash7 | 119.60 | vs | OC SF 9 | 121.20 |