Barth Bell Ringers | 89.15 | vs | 32 | 128.10 |
Chain Gang 20 | 130.10 | vs | King Puerco 2 | 81.50 |
MiniMe AA30drf4 | 121.90 | vs | Crazy Train | 105.90 |
abr11 | 120.90 | vs | Mahomes Schooled | 117.25 |
Slap Nuts | 104.05 | vs | MQ16FERG | 141.35 |
xWon't You Be My Nab | 87.70 | vs | Moondancer | 127.40 |
Barth Bell Ringers | 111.50 | vs | xWon't You Be My Nab | 135.20 |
32 | 100.55 | vs | Moondancer | 105.90 |
Chain Gang 20 | 155.15 | vs | MQ16FERG | 85.95 |
King Puerco 2 | 118.50 | vs | Mahomes Schooled | 151.35 |
MiniMe AA30drf4 | 120.55 | vs | abr11 | 150.70 |
Crazy Train | 117.75 | vs | Slap Nuts | 128.40 |
Barth Bell Ringers | 129.15 | vs | Crazy Train | 88.35 |
32 | 100.95 | vs | Chain Gang 20 | 110.15 |
King Puerco 2 | 125.90 | vs | abr11 | 98.65 |
MiniMe AA30drf4 | 159.55 | vs | xWon't You Be My Nab | 127.10 |
Mahomes Schooled | 138.85 | vs | Slap Nuts | 80.35 |
MQ16FERG | 88.00 | vs | Moondancer | 105.75 |
Barth Bell Ringers | 141.55 | vs | Mahomes Schooled | 124.25 |
32 | 147.00 | vs | MiniMe AA30drf4 | 103.45 |
Chain Gang 20 | 85.70 | vs | Crazy Train | 122.65 |
King Puerco 2 | 129.45 | vs | MQ16FERG | 100.20 |
abr11 | 142.75 | vs | Moondancer | 129.50 |
Slap Nuts | 63.20 | vs | xWon't You Be My Nab | 146.85 |
Barth Bell Ringers | 93.30 | vs | Slap Nuts | 112.75 |
32 | 103.35 | vs | King Puerco 2 | 94.20 |
Chain Gang 20 | 107.65 | vs | abr11 | 121.55 |
MiniMe AA30drf4 | 104.60 | vs | Mahomes Schooled | 108.55 |
Crazy Train | 139.40 | vs | Moondancer | 159.55 |
MQ16FERG | 147.40 | vs | xWon't You Be My Nab | 165.40 |
Barth Bell Ringers | 123.80 | vs | King Puerco 2 | 103.85 |
32 | 117.30 | vs | Crazy Train | 108.90 |
Chain Gang 20 | 177.15 | vs | MiniMe AA30drf4 | 97.50 |
abr11 | 110.70 | vs | Slap Nuts | 86.50 |
Mahomes Schooled | 124.70 | vs | xWon't You Be My Nab | 130.70 |
MQ16FERG | 124.85 | vs | Moondancer | 92.35 |
Barth Bell Ringers | 68.30 | vs | Chain Gang 20 | 145.85 |
32 | 147.00 | vs | MiniMe AA30drf4 | 127.75 |
King Puerco 2 | 87.80 | vs | Slap Nuts | 94.85 |
Crazy Train | 98.40 | vs | MQ16FERG | 109.75 |
abr11 | 121.80 | vs | xWon't You Be My Nab | 130.75 |
Mahomes Schooled | 86.50 | vs | Moondancer | 96.35 |
Barth Bell Ringers | 105.50 | vs | MiniMe AA30drf4 | 160.50 |
32 | 137.10 | vs | Mahomes Schooled | 151.10 |
Chain Gang 20 | 117.45 | vs | Slap Nuts | 150.75 |
King Puerco 2 | 140.60 | vs | xWon't You Be My Nab | 113.15 |
Crazy Train | 117.10 | vs | Moondancer | 98.80 |
abr11 | 118.95 | vs | MQ16FERG | 136.65 |
Barth Bell Ringers | 98.95 | vs | Slap Nuts | 109.40 |
32 | 140.70 | vs | abr11 | 105.95 |
Chain Gang 20 | 136.15 | vs | Mahomes Schooled | 111.15 |
King Puerco 2 | 93.15 | vs | MQ16FERG | 119.50 |
MiniMe AA30drf4 | 137.90 | vs | Moondancer | 110.55 |
Crazy Train | 132.65 | vs | xWon't You Be My Nab | 155.25 |
Barth Bell Ringers | 125.70 | vs | King Puerco 2 | 56.40 |
32 | 106.60 | vs | Chain Gang 20 | 117.00 |
MiniMe AA30drf4 | 102.05 | vs | MQ16FERG | 128.60 |
Crazy Train | 96.90 | vs | Mahomes Schooled | 83.30 |
abr11 | 134.50 | vs | xWon't You Be My Nab | 145.00 |
Slap Nuts | 112.20 | vs | Moondancer | 127.85 |
Barth Bell Ringers | 72.05 | vs | Moondancer | 156.60 |
32 | 157.85 | vs | Slap Nuts | 117.15 |
Chain Gang 20 | 150.30 | vs | xWon't You Be My Nab | 151.10 |
King Puerco 2 | 94.75 | vs | Crazy Train | 105.95 |
MiniMe AA30drf4 | 99.90 | vs | abr11 | 163.45 |
Mahomes Schooled | 109.50 | vs | MQ16FERG | 127.25 |
Barth Bell Ringers | 79.20 | vs | MQ16FERG | 136.25 |
32 | 144.05 | vs | xWon't You Be My Nab | 100.90 |
Chain Gang 20 | 124.60 | vs | Mahomes Schooled | 112.75 |
King Puerco 2 | 143.75 | vs | Moondancer | 159.10 |
MiniMe AA30drf4 | 137.30 | vs | Slap Nuts | 90.75 |
Crazy Train | 89.65 | vs | abr11 | 103.55 |
Barth Bell Ringers | 119.70 | vs | abr11 | 102.10 |
32 | 131.50 | vs | MQ16FERG | 145.85 |
Chain Gang 20 | 159.30 | vs | Moondancer | 130.75 |
King Puerco 2 | 123.85 | vs | MiniMe AA30drf4 | 153.85 |
Crazy Train | 131.50 | vs | Mahomes Schooled | 114.40 |
Slap Nuts | 151.90 | vs | xWon't You Be My Nab | 129.25 |
Barth Bell Ringers | 87.50 | vs | 32 | 117.50 |
Chain Gang 20 | 155.10 | vs | King Puerco 2 | 136.35 |
MiniMe AA30drf4 | 114.15 | vs | Crazy Train | 143.90 |
abr11 | 124.25 | vs | Mahomes Schooled | 173.30 |
Slap Nuts | 110.75 | vs | MQ16FERG | 122.20 |
xWon't You Be My Nab | 125.15 | vs | Moondancer | 137.75 |
Barth Bell Ringers | 85.60 | vs | Chain Gang 20 | 155.30 |
32 | 129.20 | vs | King Puerco 2 | 150.60 |
MiniMe AA30drf4 | 149.85 | vs | Mahomes Schooled | 152.65 |
Crazy Train | 134.35 | vs | abr11 | 132.85 |
Slap Nuts | 71.10 | vs | Moondancer | 105.30 |
MQ16FERG | 123.40 | vs | xWon't You Be My Nab | 144.75 |
Moondancer | 150.85 | vs | Chain Gang 20 | 139.60 |
abr11 | 150.70 | vs | xWon't You Be My Nab | 117.70 |