Guest of the League
All-American 41
FFL: Offseason | NFL: Offseason


Week 1 - NFL Week 1

Nerd D5104.80vsSUPERDESTROYERS140.20
x108.00vsBig market 42 2128.30
Cal-Can 18130.10vsHeatWaves91.25
BluByU 16114.80vsEds Jags 760.40
Stosh and Osh 305120.75vsSeed and Straw !120.55

Week 2 - NFL Week 2

Nerd D574.70vsStosh and Osh 30593.45
SUPERDESTROYERS112.45vsSeed and Straw !109.85
Big market 42 2140.65vsEds Jags 7122.90
Cal-Can 18116.45vsBluByU 1685.20

Week 3 - NFL Week 3

Nerd D543.45vsHeatWaves110.35
Big market 42 272.90vsBluByU 1699.65
Cal-Can 1889.00vsStosh and Osh 305158.70
Eds Jags 7126.00vsTradeShark24135.75
ExFedExman156.40vsSeed and Straw !149.15

Week 4 - NFL Week 4

Nerd D5116.55vsEds Jags 7107.25
SUPERDESTROYERS113.20vsCal-Can 18117.30
Big market 42 2102.25vsExFedExman142.20
BluByU 1673.40vsSeed and Straw !139.25
TradeShark24138.55vsStosh and Osh 305113.60

Week 5 - NFL Week 5

Nerd D5109.35vsTradeShark24108.00
SUPERDESTROYERS107.05vsBig market 42 2152.60
x80.55vsBluByU 16136.70
Cal-Can 18110.45vsEds Jags 7187.90
HeatWaves107.85vsSeed and Straw !119.90
ExFedExman125.00vsStosh and Osh 305107.50

Week 6 - NFL Week 6

Nerd D585.00vsBig market 42 2117.20
x96.60vsCal-Can 18138.50
BluByU 16122.95vsTradeShark24112.20
Eds Jags 7121.90vsStosh and Osh 30593.05
ExFedExman127.15vsSeed and Straw !124.60

Week 7 - NFL Week 7

Nerd D5106.20vsx112.70
SUPERDESTROYERS147.15vsCal-Can 1893.50
Big market 42 295.70vsTradeShark2490.35
BluByU 16110.15vsStosh and Osh 305104.65
Eds Jags 7140.65vsSeed and Straw !93.50

Week 8 - NFL Week 8

Nerd D5157.15vsCal-Can 18144.20
SUPERDESTROYERS139.95vsEds Jags 7107.10
Big market 42 2105.80vsStosh and Osh 305125.55
HeatWaves155.60vsSeed and Straw !125.85
BluByU 16128.65vsExFedExman128.40

Week 9 - NFL Week 9

Nerd D5117.25vsTradeShark24107.75
SUPERDESTROYERS130.25vsBluByU 16153.25
x117.50vsEds Jags 7154.55
Big market 42 2118.35vsExFedExman188.05
Cal-Can 18126.00vsSeed and Straw !102.50
HeatWaves110.75vsStosh and Osh 305117.70

Week 10 - NFL Week 10

Nerd D582.35vsBig market 42 293.65
Cal-Can 18116.70vsExFedExman124.05
HeatWaves98.00vsEds Jags 7114.30
BluByU 16141.40vsStosh and Osh 305158.20
TradeShark2481.90vsSeed and Straw !104.75

Week 11 - NFL Week 11

Nerd D5140.75vsSeed and Straw !151.15
x105.15vsStosh and Osh 305114.25
Big market 42 2132.70vsHeatWaves114.40
Cal-Can 18103.85vsBluByU 16140.35
Eds Jags 7144.30vsExFedExman142.05

Week 12 - NFL Week 12

Nerd D5134.60vsExFedExman176.65
SUPERDESTROYERS76.10vsStosh and Osh 305121.05
x100.45vsEds Jags 7102.00
Big market 42 294.35vsSeed and Straw !131.35
Cal-Can 18112.35vsTradeShark2496.40
HeatWaves100.85vsBluByU 16151.55

Week 13 - NFL Week 13

Nerd D5113.75vsBluByU 16162.60
x112.30vsSeed and Straw !96.35
Big market 42 2142.15vsCal-Can 18139.60
HeatWaves125.40vsEds Jags 794.00
TradeShark24119.40vsStosh and Osh 305139.05

Week 14 - NFL Week 14

Nerd D5116.55vsSUPERDESTROYERS140.90
x125.50vsBig market 42 2135.85
Cal-Can 18105.50vsHeatWaves120.85
BluByU 16147.55vsEds Jags 799.95
Stosh and Osh 30597.40vsSeed and Straw !121.50

Week 15 - NFL Week 15

Nerd D5126.65vsx117.45
SUPERDESTROYERS146.80vsBig market 42 2115.70
Cal-Can 18115.40vsEds Jags 7119.85
HeatWaves100.55vsBluByU 16132.00
TradeShark24109.95vsSeed and Straw !132.60
ExFedExman70.10vsStosh and Osh 305169.20

Playoff Week 1 - NFL Week 16

Stosh and Osh 305122.55vsExFedExman164.25
SUPERDESTROYERS132.00vsBluByU 16179.00

Playoff Week 2 - NFL Week 17

BluByU 16148.15vsExFedExman118.85