Guest of the League
Monday Night Flex
FFL: Offseason | NFL: Offseason


Week 1 - NFL Week 1

y 07/15 Arthur Sith139.90vsGotta Try This108.85
07/15- .Wishbone.156.00vsFreedom6128.50
Nyr 31105.15vsHot here **147.45
BeachBums134.00vsI Really Hate lucife123.30
Colts 1116.80vsGrassroots123.95
Falcons116.75vsSuper flex 7152024120.70

Week 2 - NFL Week 2

y 07/15 Arthur Sith196.60vsFalcons125.10
Gotta Try This134.25vsSuper flex 7152024104.20
07/15- .Wishbone.148.75vsGrassroots137.55
Freedom6113.85vsI Really Hate lucife93.10
Nyr 31125.40vsBeachBums76.95
Hot here **124.00vsColts 1107.50

Week 3 - NFL Week 3

y 07/15 Arthur Sith155.75vsHot here **108.90
Gotta Try This139.60vs07/15- .Wishbone.167.25
Nyr 31168.40vsFalcons90.10
I Really Hate lucife158.55vsColts 1119.20
Grassroots124.45vsSuper flex 7152024136.30

Week 4 - NFL Week 4

y 07/15 Arthur Sith146.50vsI Really Hate lucife107.40
Gotta Try This151.80vsNyr 31160.10
07/15- .Wishbone.131.65vsHot here **125.35
BeachBums130.05vsSuper flex 7152024145.60
Colts 1144.80vsFalcons103.75

Week 5 - NFL Week 5

y 07/15 Arthur Sith205.05vsColts 1190.95
Gotta Try This97.15vsFreedom6118.95
07/15- .Wishbone.116.05vsBeachBums116.05
Nyr 31142.15vsI Really Hate lucife145.45
Hot here **129.40vsSuper flex 7152024118.05

Week 6 - NFL Week 6

y 07/15 Arthur Sith156.30vsFreedom6109.10
Gotta Try This157.55vsHot here **123.35
07/15- .Wishbone.174.95vsNyr 31150.75
BeachBums141.90vsColts 1128.00
I Really Hate lucife116.00vsFalcons140.95
Grassroots116.95vsSuper flex 715202476.30

Week 7 - NFL Week 7

y 07/15 Arthur Sith136.50vs07/15- .Wishbone.121.90
Gotta Try This124.90vsNyr 31142.50
Freedom6117.50vsColts 1123.25
Hot here **143.30vsGrassroots123.10
I Really Hate lucife74.80vsSuper flex 715202477.90

Week 8 - NFL Week 8

y 07/15 Arthur Sith167.25vsNyr 31129.80
Gotta Try This194.95vsI Really Hate lucife136.75
07/15- .Wishbone.132.00vsColts 1127.45
Hot here **156.00vsSuper flex 7152024147.75

Week 9 - NFL Week 9

y 07/15 Arthur Sith170.95vsColts 1131.70
Gotta Try This163.80vsBeachBums115.35
07/15- .Wishbone.152.80vsI Really Hate lucife132.80
Nyr 31132.25vsSuper flex 715202494.80
Hot here **144.00vsFalcons128.20

Week 10 - NFL Week 10

y 07/15 Arthur Sith142.50vsFreedom6117.15
Gotta Try This105.60vs07/15- .Wishbone.136.70
Nyr 3195.80vsGrassroots112.90
Hot here **123.10vsI Really Hate lucife103.40
Colts 1157.80vsSuper flex 715202496.05

Week 11 - NFL Week 11

y 07/15 Arthur Sith169.65vsSuper flex 7152024126.85
Gotta Try This224.15vsColts 1133.10
07/15- .Wishbone.212.25vsFalcons109.75
Freedom6102.90vsHot here **141.95
Nyr 31108.15vsBeachBums141.15
I Really Hate lucife127.35vsGrassroots118.65

Week 12 - NFL Week 12

y 07/15 Arthur Sith121.65vsGrassroots95.15
Gotta Try This138.55vsFalcons128.15
07/15- .Wishbone.199.15vsI Really Hate lucife118.15
Freedom6134.50vsSuper flex 7152024109.40
Nyr 31155.85vsColts 1115.35
Hot here **92.45vsBeachBums125.55

Week 13 - NFL Week 13

y 07/15 Arthur Sith146.95vsBeachBums138.95
Gotta Try This169.70vsGrassroots115.00
07/15- .Wishbone.134.95vsSuper flex 7152024123.80
Freedom6133.50vsNyr 31158.15
Hot here **140.65vsI Really Hate lucife143.05
Colts 1127.40vsFalcons157.35

Week 14 - NFL Week 14

y 07/15 Arthur Sith153.50vsGotta Try This159.25
07/15- .Wishbone.164.75vsFreedom6130.35
Nyr 31109.30vsHot here **132.25
BeachBums155.65vsI Really Hate lucife154.70
Colts 1135.90vsGrassroots107.80
Falcons109.95vsSuper flex 7152024116.25

Week 15 - NFL Week 15

y 07/15 Arthur Sith167.35vs07/15- .Wishbone.149.65
Gotta Try This178.65vsFreedom694.10
Nyr 3198.25vsI Really Hate lucife109.10
Hot here **148.10vsBeachBums114.15
Colts 185.00vsSuper flex 7152024125.40

Playoff Week 1 - NFL Week 16

Super flex 7152024165.25vsy 07/15 Arthur Sith163.10
Hot here **99.00vs07/15- .Wishbone.151.40

Playoff Week 2 - NFL Week 17

Super flex 7152024171.85vs07/15- .Wishbone.159.15