Fantasy B Roll | 140.90 | vs | MVIB - TFC 10 | 137.15 |
Band of Brothers TFC | 163.80 | vs | SeaFins | 121.35 |
Zombie Stomp | 104.30 | vs | A - Peace Frog | 145.35 |
KH1 | 113.00 | vs | Jimmiear1 | 104.95 |
Pot Luck | 122.85 | vs | Suncoast 39 | 114.05 |
Last Starfighter 24 | 171.00 | vs | 2v2hunters 1 | 125.15 |
SeaFins | 156.45 | vs | MVIB - TFC 10 | 138.20 |
Fantasy B Roll | 181.85 | vs | A - Peace Frog | 129.75 |
Band of Brothers TFC | 129.95 | vs | Jimmiear1 | 118.15 |
Zombie Stomp | 77.70 | vs | Suncoast 39 | 122.05 |
KH1 | 116.25 | vs | 2v2hunters 1 | 113.40 |
Pot Luck | 120.05 | vs | Last Starfighter 24 | 131.30 |
A - Peace Frog | 109.30 | vs | MVIB - TFC 10 | 157.65 |
SeaFins | 129.35 | vs | Jimmiear1 | 148.15 |
Fantasy B Roll | 145.15 | vs | Suncoast 39 | 107.70 |
Band of Brothers TFC | 114.50 | vs | 2v2hunters 1 | 111.80 |
Zombie Stomp | 110.95 | vs | Last Starfighter 24 | 134.75 |
KH1 | 128.10 | vs | Pot Luck | 112.40 |
Jimmiear1 | 134.45 | vs | MVIB - TFC 10 | 124.70 |
A - Peace Frog | 132.75 | vs | Suncoast 39 | 112.95 |
SeaFins | 101.00 | vs | 2v2hunters 1 | 169.60 |
Fantasy B Roll | 126.65 | vs | Last Starfighter 24 | 107.80 |
Band of Brothers TFC | 124.75 | vs | Pot Luck | 118.90 |
Zombie Stomp | 162.35 | vs | KH1 | 157.80 |
Suncoast 39 | 133.45 | vs | MVIB - TFC 10 | 102.20 |
Jimmiear1 | 133.55 | vs | 2v2hunters 1 | 125.25 |
A - Peace Frog | 136.65 | vs | Last Starfighter 24 | 102.60 |
SeaFins | 108.35 | vs | Pot Luck | 97.35 |
Fantasy B Roll | 183.15 | vs | KH1 | 145.80 |
Band of Brothers TFC | 114.50 | vs | Zombie Stomp | 118.00 |
2v2hunters 1 | 96.30 | vs | MVIB - TFC 10 | 155.20 |
Suncoast 39 | 130.65 | vs | Last Starfighter 24 | 96.90 |
Jimmiear1 | 88.80 | vs | Pot Luck | 92.90 |
A - Peace Frog | 125.10 | vs | KH1 | 111.10 |
SeaFins | 113.40 | vs | Zombie Stomp | 121.85 |
Fantasy B Roll | 153.35 | vs | Band of Brothers TFC | 125.65 |
Last Starfighter 24 | 120.80 | vs | MVIB - TFC 10 | 154.35 |
2v2hunters 1 | 134.25 | vs | Pot Luck | 163.80 |
Suncoast 39 | 161.75 | vs | KH1 | 113.35 |
Jimmiear1 | 151.20 | vs | Zombie Stomp | 121.70 |
A - Peace Frog | 125.20 | vs | Band of Brothers TFC | 157.40 |
SeaFins | 154.70 | vs | Fantasy B Roll | 137.85 |
Pot Luck | 134.85 | vs | MVIB - TFC 10 | 155.35 |
Last Starfighter 24 | 127.10 | vs | KH1 | 110.85 |
2v2hunters 1 | 181.20 | vs | Zombie Stomp | 145.25 |
Suncoast 39 | 98.65 | vs | Band of Brothers TFC | 148.40 |
Jimmiear1 | 118.05 | vs | Fantasy B Roll | 142.75 |
A - Peace Frog | 160.30 | vs | SeaFins | 121.60 |
KH1 | 134.25 | vs | MVIB - TFC 10 | 85.15 |
Pot Luck | 147.45 | vs | Zombie Stomp | 151.50 |
Last Starfighter 24 | 86.00 | vs | Band of Brothers TFC | 128.45 |
2v2hunters 1 | 114.30 | vs | Fantasy B Roll | 140.40 |
Suncoast 39 | 109.70 | vs | SeaFins | 133.10 |
Jimmiear1 | 147.10 | vs | A - Peace Frog | 104.55 |
Zombie Stomp | 156.60 | vs | MVIB - TFC 10 | 115.70 |
KH1 | 166.45 | vs | Band of Brothers TFC | 105.75 |
Pot Luck | 153.35 | vs | Fantasy B Roll | 119.60 |
Last Starfighter 24 | 127.95 | vs | SeaFins | 173.75 |
2v2hunters 1 | 105.15 | vs | A - Peace Frog | 179.55 |
Suncoast 39 | 109.70 | vs | Jimmiear1 | 96.50 |
Band of Brothers TFC | 120.95 | vs | MVIB - TFC 10 | 122.80 |
Zombie Stomp | 139.55 | vs | Fantasy B Roll | 130.20 |
KH1 | 116.15 | vs | SeaFins | 125.25 |
Pot Luck | 110.95 | vs | A - Peace Frog | 151.60 |
Last Starfighter 24 | 122.15 | vs | Jimmiear1 | 118.15 |
2v2hunters 1 | 128.55 | vs | Suncoast 39 | 147.30 |
MVIB - TFC 10 | 120.15 | vs | Fantasy B Roll | 128.35 |
Band of Brothers TFC | 154.45 | vs | A - Peace Frog | 161.45 |
A - Peace Frog | 113.85 | vs | Fantasy B Roll | 128.40 |
MVIB - TFC 10 | 157.45 | vs | Band of Brothers TFC | 117.00 |