Guest of the League
All-American 168
FFL: Offseason | NFL: Offseason


Week 13 - NFL Week 13

Sock Monkey 877.80vs*Bleeding Green AA30126.30
Pooper Cooper114.60vsMarathon Key Tarpons100.65
Bacon by the bay167.70vsJart519125.45
Skank 15163.60vsStressed Out 37135.90
118141.95vsJJ AA 05 (WC In but127.35
Pickpockets 49137.75vsNerd E6107.60

Week 14 - NFL Week 14

Sock Monkey 8141.60vsPooper Cooper138.20
Bacon by the bay109.40vsSkank 15159.25
Stressed Out 37118.20vs118144.15
*Bleeding Green AA30174.90vsJJ AA 05 (WC In but144.50
Pickpockets 49120.65vsMarathon Key Tarpons115.55
Nerd E6103.70vsJart51980.65

Week 15 - NFL Week 15

Sock Monkey 8110.65vsBacon by the bay123.70
Pooper Cooper129.60vsSkank 15139.00
Stressed Out 37100.85vsJJ AA 05 (WC In but129.20
118123.30vs*Bleeding Green AA30182.50
Pickpockets 49149.05vsJart519123.60
Marathon Key Tarpons127.35vsNerd E6129.20

Playoff Week 1 - NFL Week 16

JJ AA 05 (WC In but132.10vs118128.55
Pickpockets 49208.20vsSkank 15148.80

Playoff Week 2 - NFL Week 17

JJ AA 05 (WC In but93.95vsPickpockets 49131.25