Guest of the League
FFL: Offseason | NFL: Offseason


Week 1 - NFL Week 1

Big Blue138.70vsBearsrunthenorth 385.95
No Mock71.05vsFundad8186.05
CALM DOWN BRUH125.45vsStan the caddy78.80
Redshins11139.45vsKCchiefer 2139.80
Guy's Gotta Eat119.50vsNathan2013114.00
Unfinished Business147.20vsDominatos 4111.60

Week 2 - NFL Week 2

Big Blue117.35vsUnfinished Business101.45
Bearsrunthenorth 3109.00vsDominatos 4117.00
No Mock117.95vsNathan2013109.70
Fundad8177.05vsKCchiefer 2133.50
CALM DOWN BRUH140.35vsRedshins11150.35
Stan the caddy91.95vsGuy's Gotta Eat150.00

Week 3 - NFL Week 3

Big Blue125.15vsStan the caddy169.05
Bearsrunthenorth 3120.85vsNo Mock97.35
CALM DOWN BRUH98.05vsUnfinished Business144.45
KCchiefer 295.55vsGuy's Gotta Eat104.05
Nathan201385.65vsDominatos 4117.80

Week 4 - NFL Week 4

Big Blue135.70vsKCchiefer 2130.85
Bearsrunthenorth 386.95vsCALM DOWN BRUH111.20
No Mock109.55vsStan the caddy89.70
Redshins11161.10vsDominatos 4171.60
Guy's Gotta Eat128.10vsUnfinished Business107.20

Week 5 - NFL Week 5

Big Blue137.70vsGuy's Gotta Eat109.15
Bearsrunthenorth 3128.50vsFundad81107.45
No Mock107.10vsRedshins11153.50
CALM DOWN BRUH141.80vsKCchiefer 291.15
Stan the caddy145.55vsDominatos 4100.00
Nathan2013135.25vsUnfinished Business99.95

Week 6 - NFL Week 6

Big Blue140.20vsFundad8168.20
Bearsrunthenorth 397.95vsStan the caddy116.00
No Mock115.30vsCALM DOWN BRUH109.85
Redshins11138.45vsGuy's Gotta Eat83.20
KCchiefer 2128.65vsUnfinished Business150.05
Nathan2013107.40vsDominatos 4154.40

Week 7 - NFL Week 7

Big Blue134.75vsNo Mock87.65
Bearsrunthenorth 395.80vsCALM DOWN BRUH88.40
Fundad8197.35vsGuy's Gotta Eat103.55
Stan the caddy162.70vsNathan2013107.70
Redshins11124.15vsUnfinished Business132.30
KCchiefer 2115.10vsDominatos 478.50

Week 8 - NFL Week 8

Big Blue102.40vsCALM DOWN BRUH139.90
Bearsrunthenorth 373.15vsKCchiefer 2117.50
No Mock128.60vsGuy's Gotta Eat125.25
Fundad81103.10vsUnfinished Business146.15
Stan the caddy122.00vsDominatos 497.10

Week 9 - NFL Week 9

Big Blue158.15vsGuy's Gotta Eat130.70
Bearsrunthenorth 383.05vsRedshins11116.50
No Mock106.00vsKCchiefer 2140.70
CALM DOWN BRUH135.05vsDominatos 4117.80
Stan the caddy120.70vsUnfinished Business162.45

Week 10 - NFL Week 10

Big Blue91.70vsFundad81136.30
Bearsrunthenorth 369.60vsNo Mock83.95
CALM DOWN BRUH101.75vsNathan201380.30
Stan the caddy171.00vsKCchiefer 2122.15
Redshins11140.10vsUnfinished Business143.50
Guy's Gotta Eat98.80vsDominatos 4100.80

Week 11 - NFL Week 11

Big Blue138.95vsDominatos 4128.75
Bearsrunthenorth 3103.45vsGuy's Gotta Eat176.15
No Mock143.15vsUnfinished Business150.50
Fundad81101.70vsStan the caddy127.65
CALM DOWN BRUH108.05vsRedshins1197.25
KCchiefer 276.55vsNathan2013100.85

Week 12 - NFL Week 12

Big Blue138.90vsNathan2013107.35
Bearsrunthenorth 3105.90vsUnfinished Business117.30
No Mock115.40vsKCchiefer 293.00
Fundad81128.35vsDominatos 4116.75
CALM DOWN BRUH118.35vsGuy's Gotta Eat125.55
Stan the caddy97.95vsRedshins11119.75

Week 13 - NFL Week 13

Big Blue119.00vsRedshins11147.15
Bearsrunthenorth 393.30vsNathan2013131.20
No Mock142.85vsDominatos 4148.20
Fundad81101.30vsCALM DOWN BRUH107.80
Stan the caddy141.40vsKCchiefer 2132.15
Guy's Gotta Eat121.20vsUnfinished Business127.20

Week 14 - NFL Week 14

Big Blue96.65vsBearsrunthenorth 362.80
No Mock101.45vsFundad81167.85
CALM DOWN BRUH124.95vsStan the caddy157.70
Redshins11138.25vsKCchiefer 2111.10
Guy's Gotta Eat125.05vsNathan2013132.40
Unfinished Business170.10vsDominatos 4110.80

Week 15 - NFL Week 15

Big Blue147.80vsNo Mock138.15
Bearsrunthenorth 399.15vsFundad8199.25
CALM DOWN BRUH137.10vsKCchiefer 2136.60
Stan the caddy117.40vsRedshins11153.40
Guy's Gotta Eat113.00vsDominatos 4124.05
Nathan2013122.30vsUnfinished Business159.40

Playoff Week 1 - NFL Week 16

Stan the caddy133.95vsUnfinished Business124.40
Big Blue165.20vsRedshins11124.55

Playoff Week 2 - NFL Week 17

Stan the caddy120.65vsBig Blue159.15