Guest of the League
Monday Night Football
All-Pro $125 - FFL: Offseason | NFL: Offseason


Week 1 - NFL Week 1

Ron Paul was RIGHT!!138.50vs5th Down152.10
SUPERSFLECKSIN xxxx130.20vszNico and the Niners100.35
Chin Nutzs for da (1102.45vsNo Vaseline102.95
Rude Boys130.95vsTeze104.15
Katiesfault75.50vsLittle Foot110.55

Week 2 - NFL Week 2

Ron Paul was RIGHT!!139.25vsKatiesfault129.10
5th Down164.80vsLittle Foot102.95
SUPERSFLECKSIN xxxx135.95vsTeze103.25
zNico and the Niners134.80vsNo Vaseline135.00
JETS107.00vsChin Nutzs for da (1145.65
Bats88.25vsRude Boys126.95

Week 3 - NFL Week 3

Ron Paul was RIGHT!!113.55vsBats128.65
5th Down150.55vsSUPERSFLECKSIN xxxx117.60
zNico and the Niners138.80vsChin Nutzs for da (1123.85
No Vaseline110.35vsRude Boys103.75
Teze164.35vsLittle Foot186.95

Week 4 - NFL Week 4

Ron Paul was RIGHT!!143.00vsNo Vaseline158.00
5th Down185.95vsJETS131.05
SUPERSFLECKSIN xxxx95.50vsBats107.85
zNico and the Niners126.65vsTeze90.70
Chin Nutzs for da (1110.10vsLittle Foot140.30
Rude Boys153.50vsKatiesfault114.90

Week 5 - NFL Week 5

Ron Paul was RIGHT!!141.80vsRude Boys135.40
5th Down153.80vszNico and the Niners151.45
SUPERSFLECKSIN xxxx133.00vsChin Nutzs for da (1165.25
JETS141.70vsNo Vaseline135.65
Bats139.05vsLittle Foot133.45

Week 6 - NFL Week 6

Fatal error: Uncaught Predis\Response\ServerException: LOADING Redis is loading the dataset in memory in /rtfs/football/php/Predis/Client.php:370 Stack trace: #0 /rtfs/football/php/Predis/Client.php(335): Predis\Client->onErrorResponse() #1 /rtfs/football/php/Predis/Client.php(313): Predis\Client->executeCommand() #2 /rtfs/football/php/base_classes/RTFSCache.php(455): Predis\Client->__call() #3 /rtfs/football/php/classes/FootballStats.php(494): RTFSCache->GetStaticList() #4 /rtfs/football/php/classes/FootballLeague.php(1321): FootballStats::LastUpdate() #5 /rtfs/football/php/classes/FootballLeague.php(1366): FootballLeague->ScoringStale() #6 /rtfs/football/php/schedule.php(283): FootballLeague->GetScoring() #7 {main} thrown in /rtfs/football/php/Predis/Client.php on line 370