Guest of the League
Monday Night Football
All-Pro $125 - FFL: Offseason | NFL: Offseason


Week 1 - NFL Week 1

Ron Paul was RIGHT!!138.50vs5th Down152.10
SUPERSFLECKSIN xxxx130.20vszNico and the Niners100.35
Chin Nutzs for da (1102.45vsNo Vaseline102.95
Rude Boys130.95vsTeze104.15
Katiesfault75.50vsLittle Foot110.55

Week 2 - NFL Week 2

Ron Paul was RIGHT!!139.25vsKatiesfault129.10
5th Down164.80vsLittle Foot102.95
SUPERSFLECKSIN xxxx135.95vsTeze103.25
zNico and the Niners134.80vsNo Vaseline135.00
JETS107.00vsChin Nutzs for da (1145.65
Bats88.25vsRude Boys126.95

Week 3 - NFL Week 3

Ron Paul was RIGHT!!113.55vsBats128.65
5th Down150.55vsSUPERSFLECKSIN xxxx117.60
zNico and the Niners138.80vsChin Nutzs for da (1123.85
No Vaseline110.35vsRude Boys103.75
Teze164.35vsLittle Foot186.95

Week 4 - NFL Week 4

Ron Paul was RIGHT!!143.00vsNo Vaseline158.00
5th Down185.95vsJETS131.05
SUPERSFLECKSIN xxxx95.50vsBats107.85
zNico and the Niners126.65vsTeze90.70
Chin Nutzs for da (1110.10vsLittle Foot140.30
Rude Boys153.50vsKatiesfault114.90

Week 5 - NFL Week 5

Ron Paul was RIGHT!!141.80vsRude Boys135.40
5th Down153.80vszNico and the Niners151.45
SUPERSFLECKSIN xxxx133.00vsChin Nutzs for da (1165.25
JETS141.70vsNo Vaseline135.65
Bats139.05vsLittle Foot133.45

Week 6 - NFL Week 6

Ron Paul was RIGHT!!145.30vszNico and the Niners85.25
5th Down116.90vsBats103.25
SUPERSFLECKSIN xxxx131.95vsJETS117.00
Chin Nutzs for da (1112.50vsRude Boys138.10
No Vaseline170.95vsKatiesfault119.00
Teze145.30vsLittle Foot150.80

Week 7 - NFL Week 7

Ron Paul was RIGHT!!139.75vsSUPERSFLECKSIN xxxx100.95
5th Down193.35vsJETS132.40
zNico and the Niners115.25vsRude Boys121.10
Chin Nutzs for da (190.65vsKatiesfault75.00
No Vaseline116.40vsLittle Foot146.25

Week 8 - NFL Week 8

Ron Paul was RIGHT!!181.00vsJETS176.75
5th Down165.45vsNo Vaseline97.15
SUPERSFLECKSIN xxxx153.40vsRude Boys120.45
zNico and the Niners140.10vsKatiesfault134.30
Bats120.40vsLittle Foot158.00
Chin Nutzs for da (1168.05vsTeze97.95

Week 9 - NFL Week 9

Ron Paul was RIGHT!!148.65vsRude Boys142.00
5th Down138.60vsChin Nutzs for da (1165.80
SUPERSFLECKSIN xxxx149.45vsNo Vaseline111.50
zNico and the Niners137.20vsTeze116.00
JETS133.75vsLittle Foot144.25

Week 10 - NFL Week 10

Ron Paul was RIGHT!!180.60vszNico and the Niners97.25
5th Down128.50vsSUPERSFLECKSIN xxxx127.20
Bats109.20vsNo Vaseline117.30
Chin Nutzs for da (1128.50vsKatiesfault118.60
Rude Boys94.70vsLittle Foot169.80

Week 11 - NFL Week 11

Ron Paul was RIGHT!!132.05vsLittle Foot146.65
5th Down142.75vsRude Boys166.05
SUPERSFLECKSIN xxxx152.30vsKatiesfault139.60
zNico and the Niners79.55vsBats117.00
JETS124.65vsChin Nutzs for da (1117.05
No Vaseline143.45vsTeze161.45

Week 12 - NFL Week 12

Ron Paul was RIGHT!!101.70vsTeze172.25
5th Down157.45vsKatiesfault88.20
SUPERSFLECKSIN xxxx118.35vsNo Vaseline116.20
zNico and the Niners106.40vsLittle Foot119.35
JETS158.15vsRude Boys135.10
Bats140.70vsChin Nutzs for da (1107.85

Week 13 - NFL Week 13

Ron Paul was RIGHT!!159.15vsChin Nutzs for da (1101.85
5th Down130.80vsTeze154.05
SUPERSFLECKSIN xxxx138.70vsLittle Foot146.00
zNico and the Niners134.70vsJETS163.20
Bats145.55vsNo Vaseline141.15
Rude Boys152.40vsKatiesfault121.95

Week 14 - NFL Week 14

Ron Paul was RIGHT!!126.65vs5th Down144.85
SUPERSFLECKSIN xxxx185.35vszNico and the Niners142.40
Chin Nutzs for da (1140.30vsNo Vaseline125.35
Rude Boys142.90vsTeze102.75
Katiesfault136.30vsLittle Foot174.00

Week 15 - NFL Week 15

Ron Paul was RIGHT!!158.95vsSUPERSFLECKSIN xxxx162.40
5th Down174.70vszNico and the Niners129.60
JETS177.30vsNo Vaseline178.95
Bats108.60vsChin Nutzs for da (1121.60
Rude Boys139.90vsLittle Foot98.25

Playoff Week 1 - NFL Week 16

Chin Nutzs for da (1169.40vs5th Down153.10
Little Foot146.75vsRon Paul was RIGHT!!152.25

Playoff Week 2 - NFL Week 17

Chin Nutzs for da (1137.95vsRon Paul was RIGHT!!154.85
Little Foot156.70vs5th Down215.05