Guest of the League
All-American 365
FFL: Offseason | NFL: Offseason


Week 1 - NFL Week 1

Big Tunas 3110.25vsCal-Can 38141.40
Waddle with me120.80vsDan the man 1191.20
Lego Batman87.15vs200144.85
Vandelay Industries 128.65vsSudz Sippers 3135.40
SoloD 10116.30vsDavcheck113.00
REVERT XXXX82.80vsMy Little Pwny 27124.60

Week 2 - NFL Week 2

Big Tunas 3152.55vsREVERT XXXX127.90
Cal-Can 38102.30vsMy Little Pwny 27101.50
Waddle with me139.60vsDavcheck102.75
Dan the man 11138.10vsSudz Sippers 3108.80
Lego Batman132.85vsVandelay Industries 87.20
200163.75vsSoloD 1094.75

Week 3 - NFL Week 3

Big Tunas 3148.25vs200141.20
Cal-Can 38116.00vsWaddle with me126.65
Dan the man 11114.45vsVandelay Industries 115.15
Lego Batman79.15vsREVERT XXXX95.80
Sudz Sippers 3113.75vsSoloD 1081.55
Davcheck146.15vsMy Little Pwny 27109.00

Week 4 - NFL Week 4

Big Tunas 3108.95vsSudz Sippers 3140.15
Cal-Can 38105.40vsLego Batman78.35
Waddle with me124.65vs200110.20
Dan the man 11141.05vsDavcheck101.30
Vandelay Industries 97.90vsMy Little Pwny 27124.50
SoloD 10100.40vsREVERT XXXX156.05

Week 5 - NFL Week 5

Big Tunas 3123.80vsSoloD 10115.10
Cal-Can 38107.60vsDan the man 11121.35
Waddle with me149.75vsVandelay Industries 80.00
Lego Batman83.15vsSudz Sippers 3106.20
200129.90vsMy Little Pwny 27172.80
Davcheck99.75vsREVERT XXXX139.40

Week 6 - NFL Week 6

Big Tunas 395.00vsDan the man 11180.30
Cal-Can 38102.65vs200128.55
Waddle with me120.40vsLego Batman71.55
Vandelay Industries 140.30vsSoloD 10113.30
Sudz Sippers 3109.40vsREVERT XXXX90.55
Davcheck128.05vsMy Little Pwny 27126.60

Week 7 - NFL Week 7

Big Tunas 3114.80vsWaddle with me131.55
Cal-Can 3888.25vsLego Batman69.10
Dan the man 1186.00vsSoloD 10111.45
Vandelay Industries 68.20vsREVERT XXXX97.90
Sudz Sippers 3137.80vsMy Little Pwny 27139.15

Week 8 - NFL Week 8

Big Tunas 3120.45vsLego Batman102.40
Cal-Can 38110.45vsSudz Sippers 3116.60
Waddle with me122.10vsSoloD 10126.20
Dan the man 11130.45vsREVERT XXXX150.00
200140.05vsMy Little Pwny 27130.40
Vandelay Industries 120.55vsDavcheck134.15

Week 9 - NFL Week 9

Big Tunas 3112.75vsSoloD 10150.10
Cal-Can 38105.75vsVandelay Industries 73.90
Waddle with me136.00vsSudz Sippers 3101.65
Dan the man 11121.05vsDavcheck103.15
Lego Batman110.30vsMy Little Pwny 27108.95
200159.10vsREVERT XXXX127.25

Week 10 - NFL Week 10

Big Tunas 3113.90vsDan the man 1192.90
Cal-Can 38112.80vsWaddle with me128.20
Lego Batman90.70vsDavcheck100.20
200111.20vsSudz Sippers 390.25
Vandelay Industries 92.65vsREVERT XXXX94.60
SoloD 10133.50vsMy Little Pwny 27196.50

Week 11 - NFL Week 11

Big Tunas 394.50vsMy Little Pwny 27153.40
Cal-Can 38149.90vsSoloD 1096.85
Waddle with me153.20vsREVERT XXXX121.75
Dan the man 11106.15vs200165.95
Lego Batman126.20vsVandelay Industries 112.25
Sudz Sippers 3131.75vsDavcheck85.10

Week 12 - NFL Week 12

Big Tunas 3120.85vsDavcheck94.70
Cal-Can 38126.10vsREVERT XXXX90.25
Waddle with me92.65vsSudz Sippers 3140.35
Dan the man 11110.70vsMy Little Pwny 27107.95
Lego Batman127.70vsSoloD 10138.65
200155.15vsVandelay Industries 109.75

Week 13 - NFL Week 13

Big Tunas 3128.90vsVandelay Industries 113.85
Cal-Can 38152.25vsDavcheck110.00
Waddle with me120.90vsMy Little Pwny 27149.85
Dan the man 11110.45vsLego Batman102.45
200165.65vsSudz Sippers 3132.60
SoloD 10116.35vsREVERT XXXX136.80

Week 14 - NFL Week 14

Big Tunas 3156.15vsCal-Can 38120.65
Waddle with me114.75vsDan the man 1159.05
Lego Batman127.05vs20098.70
Vandelay Industries 124.50vsSudz Sippers 3122.60
SoloD 10143.10vsDavcheck141.50
REVERT XXXX148.35vsMy Little Pwny 27150.75

Week 15 - NFL Week 15

Big Tunas 3112.20vsWaddle with me121.80
Cal-Can 38107.25vsDan the man 1194.45
Lego Batman97.05vsSudz Sippers 3140.75
200132.70vsVandelay Industries 69.50
SoloD 10150.70vsMy Little Pwny 27157.35
Davcheck118.60vsREVERT XXXX177.30

Playoff Week 1 - NFL Week 16

REVERT XXXX129.80vs200166.85
Waddle with me125.90vsMy Little Pwny 27169.70

Playoff Week 2 - NFL Week 17

My Little Pwny 27156.80vs200165.00