Guest of the League
kwik Goal playoffs Est. 2018
NFL Playoffs League - FFL: Week 4 | NFL: Superbowl


1. Leah760 
2. Mezert Storm759-1
3. powerslap3.o757-3
4. Anthony Carr732-28
5. poppa smurf706-54
6. Thomas Stewart689-71
7. Scotty D671-89
8. Tom Horner670-90
9. Jon Owens649-111
10. Raiders81646-114
11. Povenski613-147
12. Tommy612-148
13. Earls Dogs493-267
14. Momma_Horner468-292
15. Seanie Moroney0-760
16. TummyGrumbly0-760
17. PaulieG9180-760
18. ColeHalvorsen70-760
19. Kevin0-760
20. Cate0-760
21. Mark0-760
22. Darrin0-760
23. Joe0-760
24. Eric0-760
25. GHibb2230-760
26. The Team0-760
27. Juan0-760