Guest of the League
Deep Cut Est. 2022
Dynasty $500 - FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1


Red DivisionPointsBehind
1. Troll Toll0.00 
2. Write the Check0.00 
3. DaBull40.00 
4. Gallup'n Ghosts0.00 
Blue DivisionPointsBehind
1. Boiled Owl - Dynasty0.00 
2. Chief Counselor III0.00 
3. Rock Hound 20.00 
4. LawrenceMcCarthyAddisonOlavePitts1.40.00 
White DivisionPointsBehind
1. DaBears340.00 
2. Softy0.00 
3. Abe30.00 
4. COOKIN0.00