Guest of the League
National Parks Est. 2022
Dynasty $125 - FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1


Red DivisionPointsBehind
1. JRGSF220.00 
2. Bootleggers0.00 
3. OC SF 90.00 
4. Petrified Forest0.00 
Blue DivisionPointsBehind
1. Cash70.00 
2. S.O.D. SF 100.00 
3. *Philadelphia Eagles 4 2025 $4250.00 
4. Werewolves of London0.00 
White DivisionPointsBehind
1. Ballbusters 700.00 
2. The Machine0.00 
3. Junk Yard Dog0.00 
4. Sam Giancana0.00