Guest of the League
End Around Est. 2024
Dynasty $125 - FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1


Red DivisionPointsBehind
1. Robber Barons D10.00 
2. Crocodile Tearz (SF) 1.010.00 
3. For Sale 290.00 
4. (3rd place, 1.12) Paul Rudd0.00 
Blue DivisionPointsBehind
1. Kodiak Huskies0.00 
2. Mike Alstott0.00 
3. Flirtin' With Disaster0.00 
4. Arb-ds0.00 
White DivisionPointsBehind
1. SF Dynasty line up0.00 
2. Lorenzo Neal0.00 
3. Panthers0.00 
4. Let's Roll0.00