Explanation of Standings
- Bad weed blues / Maserati Marv - Tied on Winning Pct
- Bad weed blues / Maserati Marv - Try to break tie with Pts in Standings
- Bad weed blues / Maserati Marv - 1877.05 pts vs 1714.75 pts
- mekrichir0115 / MiniMe FC3p11 - Tied on Winning Pct
- mekrichir0115 / MiniMe FC3p11 - Try to break tie with Pts in Standings
- mekrichir0115 / MiniMe FC3p11 - 1658.1 pts vs 1668.05 pts
- Pressing the Pipe Cleaners! / STATS3 - Tied on Winning Pct
- Pressing the Pipe Cleaners! / STATS3 - Try to break tie with Pts in Standings
- Pressing the Pipe Cleaners! / STATS3 - 1637.4 pts vs 1811.8 pts
- STATS3 / tfcslow2hr - Tied on Winning Pct
- STATS3 / tfcslow2hr - Try to break tie with Pts in Standings
- STATS3 / tfcslow2hr - 1811.8 pts vs 1585.3 pts
- Pressing the Pipe Cleaners! / tfcslow2hr - Tied on Winning Pct
- Pressing the Pipe Cleaners! / tfcslow2hr - Try to break tie with Pts in Standings
- Pressing the Pipe Cleaners! / tfcslow2hr - 1637.4 pts vs 1585.3 pts
- Ferocious Pelicans *04X / xYou get Bo, you pancake-eating MFer TFC6-21 - Tied on Winning Pct
- Ferocious Pelicans *04X / xYou get Bo, you pancake-eating MFer TFC6-21 - Try to break tie with Pts in Standings
- Ferocious Pelicans *04X / xYou get Bo, you pancake-eating MFer TFC6-21 - 1745.55 pts vs 1725.95 pts
Regular Season Wins, Losses, and Points