Nickname: Dazzorro
Fantasy Player Rank: #139

47 Money League Teams

ChampionshipShip1inFantasy Championship Slow 4hr III
DynastyFarmin500 Dynasty
DynastyInglouriousinDraft Night
DynastyAlleninCancun on Three
DynastyBRONinThe Raiders
DynastyColainCashing Checks
DynastyFSinGlory Days
DynastyGhostinGridiron Heros
DynastyGunsinTip Drill
DynastyHawk1inFull Frontal Fantasy
DynastyPupinThe Leagues
DynastyStackinFight Club
DynastyTeaminThe Reign of SuperFlex
DynastyTIPSTERinDynasty League Football
DynastyTRCinRoman Empire
DynastyUnknowninEnd Game
DynastyZinPass Interference
Dynasty111inReady to Rumble
Dynasty213inPit of Misery
Dynasty3rdinBest Ball Forever
DynastyBballinBest Ball Mania
DynastyCanadainGreatest Show on Turf
DynastyDiginShow Me The Money
DynastyFoosinBest Ball Legends
DynastyFratinGreatest Show on Paper
DynastyIsabellainHail Mary
DynastyKINGinGame of Thrones Fantasy
DynastyKittlesinField of Dreams
DynastyLaFamiliainThe Superdome
DynastyLjackinSuperFlex Best Ball Dynasty
DynastyMinLet it Ride
DynastyMaxinTop Hat
DynastyMOBinBest Ball United
DynastyMuddogsinSuperDelux SuperFlex Best Ball
DynastyNajinThrow A Flag
DynastySACinTalladega Nights
DynastyWatinDumb and Dumber
Best BallAddie LaRueinBest Ball Championship 131
Best BallDuneinBest Ball Championship 260
Best BallGreatestinBest Ball Championship 109
Best BallInsurgentinBest Ball Championship 106
Best BallNovainBest Ball Championship 140
Best BallOrangeinBest Ball Championship 125
Best BallRule of WolvesinBest Ball Championship 99
Best BallShadow and BoneinBest Ball Championship 69
Best BallSix of CrowsinBest Ball Championship 91
Draft Slot123456789101112

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Player Experience


State Definition:
Highly Experienced
Not Highly Experienced

Top 100 Player
Top 1000 Player
Ranked lower than Top 1000